Posted this somewhere else, thought someone might find it useful.

When I lived in the Middle East, there was a stationery/school supplies/crafting store called Al Rawnaq that piled it high, and sold it cheap. And I mean cheap. I always remember seeing a pack of fifty ballpoint pens in a box for about US$0.50, and just stopping to have a think about the economics of how that box of pens got to Qatar from China, with all the steps, and everyone making a sliver of those 50 cents. I couldn't see how it could be done.

Anyway, I picked this up for £55 this week (honestly, with one eye on SSSS4), and I am amazed. (Look on AliExpress, they can be found for less.)

Please ignore any fluff and bits on the watch - it's perfect. The bezel action is nice, the lume is OK. The crown is a little finicky, but the packaging and the strap are great. The crystal has a bevel cut into it, too.