Yep. About 6 months ago (and with the mortgage paid and the kids growing up fast) I decided to quit a job I really didn’t like working for a large corporate and go back to what I trained for when I left school as an industrial chiller engineer. Suffice to say, I’m loving life, spending a lot more time at home with the kids and my financial situation means I don’t really miss the money. I’m not saying it’s going to be forever, and yeah, you could call it a huge mid life crisis cliche, but I’m happier!!

Now that I’m back using my hands, big spanners, and working hard for a living I needed a cheap rough and tumble watch that will put up with anything thrown at it and keep ticking. Oh, and I often have to stick my hands inside electrical control panels so anything metal is out of the question.

Ladies and gentlemen, of course it’s an F-91 W delivered by Santa yesterday.

Merry Christmas one and all - probably going to buy a motorbike next.

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