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Thread: Visiting North Korea

  1. #1

    Visiting North Korea

    The better half and I are sizing up a trip to North Korea in a few months time.

    Has anyone been? I just think it would be fascinating and possibly frightening... But we are both keen to see for ourselves.

  2. #2
    Craftsman laser8's Avatar
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    Have a nice trip! I'm really looking forward to the report!

  3. #3
    I suspect the words you are looking for are "dull" and "pointless".

    As far as I know, you still have to go on organised ( by N. Korea, obviously ) "tours" and be accompanied at all times. It's a long way to travel for a tedious bus trip. If you must, at least combine it with some travel elsewhere.

    I haven't been though, so perhaps I am just a typical agent of Western propaganda

    I did go into the tunnels, entered from the South Korean side, and the DMZ. That was interesting. Both sides claim the other made the tunnels. When you go in, the South Korean guide is keen to point out that you can see the chisel ( if that's the right implement ) marks, going from N to S. Looking out over the DMZ into N Korea, and seeing the clearly fake "city" they had erected to look "impressive" to observers, was depressing.

    I didn't feel drawn to visit.


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    REALLY! Well good luck with that trip.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    just read a great book on north korea called 'nothing to envy' by barbara demick, to say the people have had some hard times is an understatment..

  6. #6
    Grand Master Rod's Avatar
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    For me personally, I wouldn't go, but I hope you enjoy the visit.


  7. #7
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    I was listening to something about this on Radio 4 the other day. I think they said that, essentially, even though the entire trip is "controlled" and you're chaperoned by a minder and stuff the whole time it's still an amazing place to visit and that certain things you can go and see are incredibly memorable - and it's well worth a visit.

    Events such as this which are supposed to be quite spectacular to watch:

  8. #8
    Grand Master seikopath's Avatar
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    I don't think 'enjoy' would be the appropriate term for such a trip , but it would definitely be an eye opener . I travelled in a few eastern bloc countries before the wall came down . I think you're in for a shock , even ( especially ?) on a chaperoned tour . Did anyone see the recent documentary about the Korean born kid with learning diffs going back to North Korea ? amazing viewing .

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by proby24 View Post
    The better half and I are sizing up a trip to North Korea in a few months time.

    Has anyone been? I just think it would be fascinating and possibly frightening... But we are both keen to see for ourselves.
    Is this for work or pleasure? Would you go to a place where everything is staged for your benefit?

    Think The Prisoner and The Truman Show!

  10. #10
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    And if it goes wrong don't expect the state to pick up the pieces.

  11. #11
    Grand Master GraniteQuarry's Avatar
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    Not the typical holiday destination, but will certainly be interesting, akin to visiting a township or favela. Look forward to your thoughts and pics if you go!

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by seikopath View Post
    I don't think 'enjoy' would be the appropriate term for such a trip , but it would definitely be an eye opener . I travelled in a few eastern bloc countries before the wall came down . I think you're in for a shock , even ( especially ?) on a chaperoned tour . Did anyone see the recent documentary about the Korean born kid with learning diffs going back to North Korea ? amazing viewing .
    you mean this one?

    Incredible film- was on BBC2 a while back.

  13. #13
    Grand Master seikopath's Avatar
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    Yes , that's the one . Go by all means - just make sure you get back !
    Good luck everybody. Have a good one.

  14. #14
    Grand Master TheFlyingBanana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by proby24 View Post
    The better half and I are sizing up a trip to North Korea in a few months time.

    Has anyone been? I just think it would be fascinating and possibly frightening... But we are both keen to see for ourselves.
    Good for you!

    I am sure it will be very thought provoking and I really look forward to reading your posts about it (please!). Pics too!
    So clever my foot fell off.

  15. #15
    Just don't take a camera with a lens focal length greater than 150mm. Or take snaps while on the tour. You will now be allowed to take your phone in with you, rather than having to leave it at the checkpoint, but it won't get a signal.

    You are not free to wander around on your own, there are photographic restrictions and video cameras are generally prohibited.

    Leaving the hotel without the guides or the guides' express permission is not possible. If you are feeling the need for 'a breath of air' then a casual stroll along the river is possible but only if accompanied with a guide. It is possible to stroll in the grounds of the hotel but please ask the guide and do not take your camera.

    Use of cameras causes the majority of problems. You can only take a photograph of what the guides allow. The public are obliged to report all photography
    From the travel agent

    Honestly, I think it's a waste of time. I travelled in, for example, East Berlin prior to the wall coming down. Despite being a supposed "showcase" for Communist living, being open to Westerners for visits after all, it was a miserable place, clearly an economic and social disaster. But at least then, you were free to roam as you wish. Even though of course, made to spend western money ( checked on your way in and out ) and followed and photographed by the Stasi. I tried to take a pic of Checkpoint Charlie as I left, and was almost shot. I have the photo, with the guard running towards me, raising his rifle, somewhere.

    N Korea tours promise less excitement.

    Last edited by Tokyo Tokei; 19th February 2013 at 14:09.

  16. #16
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    If you MUST do unusual & inaccessible have you considered St.Helena?

    Can't help thinking that DPRK will have all the charm of Gough Island but without the latters vibrant nightlife.


  17. #17
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    I think I could visit 2 different countries a year for the rest of my life and North Korea still wouldn't make it on to the list but each to their own and it will be interesting to hear your thoughts.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by proby24 View Post
    The better half and I are sizing up a trip to North Korea in a few months time.

    Has anyone been? I just think it would be fascinating and possibly frightening...
    I know how you feel. I'm going to Liverpool at the weekend.

  19. #19
    Grand Master mart broad's Avatar
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    Many years ago i traveled to the DMZ between the North and South and in all honesty i thought the South was bad so i dread to think about the Northhowever good luck its a far more interesting project than "shagaluf"

  20. #20
    Well I live in Singapore so it isn't a huge journey for me: Sing to KL and then direct to Pyongyang.

    Travel is my main hobby (I had to find another hobby to fritter my cash on besides watches), so I feel I have done most of the region. Vietnam and Cambodia are mentioned, both of which I visited a dozen or so times. I can lie on a beach any weekend, in fact I normally do in Phuket or Bali, I want something unusual. I guess North Korea is one of the 'final frontiers'.

    I also have found that when I have visited some of the more challenging countries: Cuba yonks ago and Burma last year, they might not be the most enjoyable or relaxing places to visit but they sure are interesting and thought provoking. I imagine N Korea could be the most challenging yet!

  21. #21
    Here is very comprehensive photo report from russian traveller Tema Lebedev

    google translated version

    Having lived half of my life under soviet regime I have to say it really looks like soviet union 25 years ago - shops with almost no food, no cars on streets, frightened people etc.

    I wouldn't go there. Mainly because of my travel will not help these people. My money will go to their leaders.

  22. #22
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    One thing that might be worth mentioning, if you have a N.K stamp in you passport it can make travelling to other countries a little more difficult. For example Japan really don't like the NK stamp and if seen will probably question you about it.
    Have you ever watched Vice's Guide to North Korea? Some interesting bits;

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