Quote Originally Posted by AlphaOmega View Post

You might also be bored of the posts made by the same members day in, day out.

Typical thread:

1. Mildly stimulating view given about Romega watches.
2. OP thanked for raising the topic.
3. Someone rolls their eyes.
4. Someone else asks why the previous member is rolling their eyes.
5. Post defending the right of members to roll their eyes.
6. Citation from the European Court Of Human Rights stating that eye rolling is an inalienable part of us all that should be celebrated.
7. Handwringer asks everyone to consider the link between sub-prime lending and loosening of the muscles around the eye wall leading to increased eye rolling among bankers.
8. Member posts to show that those on benefits roll their eyes the most.
9. Delicate poster suggests we return to the OP topic.
10. All members accused of being lady gardens (or the Anglo Saxon equivalent).

As you say TT, rinse, lather and repeat.
The ones posting are harmless its the Weasels and whinners that I dislike, coupled with the ones that are everyones best mate but only to potentially benefit themselves when buying or selling (without a loss as is their right!)

However I will caveat this by saying that they are a tiny tiny minority and the majority of established and new members are superb and fantastic to meet, I have yet to meet a total idiot (I have purposely dodged the ones I know will be)