Quote Originally Posted by Franco View Post

Yes, I've been there a few years back, and I was not very impressed. Even in the tax-free regime, nobody buys watches there. The visit to the Rock is appealing- but honestly had the same feeling that had with Edinburgh castle - very evocative from the outside, very unimpressive inside. If I was in you I would rather go to Ravenna, where there are tons of fabulous Bizantine mosaics, or Ferrara - which is a jewel of a medieval town. If you are there for food and like fish, I would head to Cervia on the coast which has a couple of fabulous fish eateries. If you love mountains, in 30 mins you can be in the Muraglione area, where I would advice a walk into the Aqua Cheta, a place with natural waterfalls and enormous potential as relaxation therapy. If you are there for watches, there are some famous shops - also for vintage - in Rimini. You can also find something in "Arca del Tempo" in Forli, owned by a good watchmaker.

Thanks Franco - comprehensive as ever.

Quote Originally Posted by igorRIJEKA View Post
Ever visited Moscow?Same people,italian arhitecture :D
That's what I'd heard

Thanks everyone. I'll probably make the effort even if only to do an about-turn. It means a bus, a train and a bus but I'd only be relaxing and doing feck all if I didn't attempt the trip. I'm not watch shopping as I'm trying to be a good boy at the moment.