How do the owners of the oil filled Sinn's find the accuracy?

I find the look of them pretty amazing with the oil bringing the hands to the surface.

I was watching a HD close up video on YouTube on my TV and every time the second hand went against gravity it bounced back. The person making the video mentioned the 'Sinn bounce' but studying that vid on a 40" TV the second hand only 'bounced' when going up from the 6 to 12 markers, then as soon as it was on th way down it ticked like a normal quartz.

I am currently debating the purchase of a Sinn but I'm thinking a 104. It's not a brand I've considered before. I'm thinking of spending more than I usually do on a watch and a Pelagos was favourite but after seeing what people say about the quality of them I'm intrigued.

Also, how are the service times these days? I found an old post on wus saying 6 months (if you're lucky) to service a hydro model.

Do they hold their value?