Quote Originally Posted by wileeeeeey View Post
Must be alone in thinking it was a bit wooden on all fronts. It's like they wanted to cast Jocko Willink and went with a body builder who said he could act, not letting a lack of ability get in the way.

The guy is a body builder and all you see is him never work out and only really eat junk food. Top quality when some warehouse doors blow out from a huge explosion and then the guy just walks out right after.

Despite this I still seemed to get through the entire season. So bad it's good?
Nope you're not alone, Mrs P couldn't watch it, it was a bit wooden at times, some of the acting! However enjoyed it myself but mainly I think because of the affection for the character generated by the books. Imo that was one of the stronger, if not strongest stories, he was avenging his brother...in most of the other books he wanders into a random town and gets caught up dealing with the local bad guys, usually there's a female interest, go figure...I wonder how good the next season will be!