This 100% and there are so many more like her. Self-interest is always the prime target.

Quote Originally Posted by TKH View Post
Venells CBE (for charity & Post Office work) will be at home a not give a flying %£#@ leisurely taking a glance at her bank balance and pension draw down and ‘meh’ shall we take a few weeks in the sun till it blows over….. fingers in ears lalalala and possibly end up in Jungle next year on a big wedge £££.

They are a breed with a core of cold steel zero empathy for anyone and capable of heinous stuff whilst convincing themselves of their own reality they are always either the hero or the victim in their storyline.

The fact she was an Anglican Priest sat on the C of E Ethics Board, became a Chairwoman of NHS Trust and got a CBE from May after the Scandal says as much about our hidden handshake society as it does about Venells.