I have a 2254.50 bought here (unused) on the SC in 2005 for £625. We met up, had a chat and I was able to admire Eugene’s new Dreadnought. https://forum.tz-uk.com/showthread.p...d-thanks-TZ-UK
Many watches have come and gone in the meantime, including a Watchco SM300, but the 2254.50 is here to stay. Do search for the best you can find - mine is still close to mint.
If a CWC is also on your radar I would suggest you try a WTB for a Zeno PRS3 (quartz) or Eddie’s Broadarrow PRS3 (auto) - exact same case. The Zeno will be cheaper and likely easier to find and possibly even still available from Zeno as they certainly still had a few until fairly recently at least. These are truer to the CWC shape than the later Precista PRS3.