Quote Originally Posted by walkerwek1958 View Post
Another example to prove my point, this very afternoon!

Wifey's playing in a bridge tournament, expected to be home around 6. I`m still recovering from the cold from hell so happy to potter about outside and do a few jobs in the sunshine and cooking curry for tea. Mobile phone's not in my pocket, left it in the house in a safe place. Having prepared a meal for two, wifey rings on the house phone (she knows I`ll hear it) to say she'll be home in 15 mins. Also says she doesn`t want much to eat, food was provided, and did I see her message? Obviously I didn`t, so I`ve prepared a meal that she won't be eating. Won't go to waste, it'll get frozen and eaten later (probably by me) but it's a bit frustrating.

If she'd rung the house phone during a break in play I would've heard it and answered, even at the end of my 80ft garden I still hear it and answer it.

I don`t care how many folks rely on bloody texting, it's still a crap way to communicate and the limitations are obvious. There's a concept called complete communication, texting falls way short in many cases.
The clue is in the name. ‘Mobile’ phone. Hence people often tend to carry them around with them.

Does your wife not know that you often leave your phone where you can’t hear it?
Can’t be the first time she’s sent a text only for you not to see it, surely?