Hi all

Anyone got a porlex tall or mini manual coffee grinder?

Have recently moved from illy/lavazza to freshly roasted (tried redber so far, hasbean, rave, compass next), but am having to order pre-ground. Obvious next move is to grind my own, but don't want to splash a load of cash on an electric one like the iberital mc2 yet, plus kitchen space is limited anyway, hence looking for a manual grinder.

Have decided on the porlex, but undecided between the tall and the mini. Mini has the bonus of being smaller, fits inside my aeropress, which would be a bonus for occasional travel and if it eventually gets relegated to the caravan, plus has a rubber grip. Downside is that i'm not sure it will hold enough. I usually brew 2 full aeropress shots back to back, for me and the wife, so need approx 30-32g grinding. The tall can handle that much in one hit, but the mini apparently only holds 20g, but is that just the bean hopper? How much does the ground section hold, as i could top up with beans half way through?

Any thoughts from the coffee pros here?

