Well done, its a great feeling isn't it, Were all here only once so why not give something a go, as long as you don't threaten your families livelihood then I believe its worth the risk if you have confidence in yourself and the project.

I have been working for myself now for 6 years and haven't really looked back, well I have but only in a positive way to me. I think after you make a success of one venture you have confidence to try others and I'm just in the process of starting up something different and exciting - again.

A good analogy that worked for me is to try two totally different careers in your life, this really worked for me as it refreshed all my learning and ambition as I was bogged down in my old job, to totally let go of the old career and move into something new and risky was not just exciting but I learnt a lot about myself in the process.

Hope it works out for you..