I'm aware that we have a number of members here with tattoos, I'd appreciate some advice for a tattoo newbie.

I've been entertaining the idea of a tattoo for many, many years though it's only until relatively recently that I've settled on an actual idea/theme for one, and one particular very recent event has reinforced this idea. I know that I want one and I'm set on the theme, I have ideas around the visual/design side though I really need someone to interpret it for me.

So, how does this work? I'm presuming that any decent artist would be willing to work with me in getting the visuals done, would I just contact my favoured tattooist and book a design slot? Would I be expected to pay for the time spent on this? I'm presuming so. What processes have you gone through to choose your artist? Anything else I need to keep in mind?

It's going to happen, I'm sure of that, I'd just like to know a few ins and outs from those that already have them before I make first contact.