As a child in the 60s I don't recall anyone really making a fuss about New Year, Christmas was always a big thing (and rightly so) but New Year was very muted in my part of Yorkshire. Over the past 30-40 years it seems to have become a much bigger event, but I really can`t understand why!

One year ends, another begins, what's the big deal? Why do folks set fireworks off and generally celebrate it? It isn`t like passing exams, getting married, winning something or marking a major achievement, all folks have done is survived another year so why make a big fuss?

It's the one night of the year I`m glad to stay in, can`t stand all the faux celebration (usually alcohol-fuelled and totally lacking in genuine goodwill).

Frankly, I`ll be glad when it's all over. Bloody fireworks will be a nuisance as usual, I`ll stick the headphones on, play some decent music and bury my head in a book till it quietens down.

Best wishes for the future and good health to y'all............hell will freeze over before I utter the cliché 'Happy New Year'