Hey Everyone.

Happy New Year.

Just a quick update on Eddie's progress, sorry they haven't been as reguar as I'd hoped but things are pretty hectic at the moment.

Eddie had a bit of a setback on Monday when a scan revealed that he had fluid on his left lung and this wasn't allowing it to fully re-inflate after the collapse.

Yesterday (Wednesday) he had an operation under general anaesthetic to drain the fluid, which so far seems to have been successful. They removed 2 pints of blood from the lung and when the surgeon came to see him today whilst I was there he said that everything appears to have gone well, the surgeon even joked he had given the inside of the lung a jetwash whilst he was in there and that is what currently draining.

Although this appeared to be a setback the lung should now be able to fully inflate and get Eddie's oxygen saturation levels back to normal a lot quicker.

For now he is back on a general ward and they'll once again start to try and wean him off the oxygen and painkillers.

I am going to visit him every day, he is generally in very good spirits chatting away with his little posse of friends on the ward and it seems he has come to the realisation that he is in the best place for him right now and rest will be a great healer.

Thanks for all the kind messages of support and I will update everyone in a couple of days.
