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Thread: Sunday musings

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2018

    Sunday musings

    Morning All and Happy Sunday,

    I’ve been thinking about posting this for a while, not only to get opinions of you knowledgable folk, but also to get things off my chest a bit. It’s a bit of a long thread, so please forgive me.

    I have been interested in watches for as long as I can remember, my first watch was an omega semaster quartz back in the 90s, that then turned into a fascination with Rolex, Tudor, a Breguet and various other omegas, especially the planet ocean series. For some reason I’ve never been able to hold onto my watches, always wanting something newer, better, ‘more’.

    Over the years I’ve bought and flipped pretty much every watch within a matter of months, certainly within a year of purchase. I’ve recently spilt from my partner and the money just isn’t there at the moment for any major purchases, I am trying to be sensible and tackle some ‘life admin/bills’ and get myself back of track.

    I was sorely tempted recently with a really good deal on a 2023 Planet Ocean, but sense took hold and i resisted. The credit card was in my hand!

    At the moment, my one only watch is a Seiko Monster MK1 which I wear daily. It’s lovely, but I do regret and almost have pangs of guilt, about the amount I’ve spent on watches which have been flipped for no real reason.

    I still feel I’m missing a special watch, something to mark achievements in life, I feel a bit sad about it all really. I know they are only expensive trinkets, but it’s what they can signify. I think eventually I need to settle one just one or two watches, and be done. I just don’t know what they are. A Tudor BB58 maybe.

    Sorry for the self-indulgent post. Therapy!

    Thanks for listening.

  2. #2
    Master Wolfie's Avatar
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    Forgive me if I’m way off beam…. Is there a subtext to this post?

    How are you doing Mike? As it sounds like quite a bit has changed in your life recently…

    As for watches…. If there are other money priorities, the Seiko will serve just fine…. A BB58 is a great all rounder… a handsome watch…

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    Hi Wolfe,

    I guess you are right. Just not quite myself to be honest, can’t exactly put my finger on what, as there’s so much going on at the moment.

    Life gets complicated doesn’t it. There’s people a lot worse off than me, I just need to keep remembering that and try to stay as positive as possible. Things will get better in time.

    Thanks for reaching out.


  4. #4
    Master Wolfie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mikelancs View Post
    Hi Wolfe,

    I guess you are right. Just not quite myself to be honest, can’t exactly put my finger on what, as there’s so much going on at the moment.

    Life gets complicated doesn’t it. There’s people a lot worse off than me, I just need to keep remembering that and try to stay as positive as possible. Things will get better in time.

    Thanks for reaching out.

    No need to contextualise how you’re feeling Mike…. There maybe people who have it worse, but that shouldn’t mean that you’re not allowed to feel gloomy…

    Life can be very complicated at times…. Things are likely to get better in time and you can help expedite that…. Maybe look at getting some support? You’re GP can’t point you in the right direction…

    Take care…

  5. #5
    Grand Master Sinnlover's Avatar
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    Well said Wolfie

    Mike everyone can feel a bit down when a major life change occurs, it’s natural, it’s important to talk to trusted mates or family as they may be able to offer support. We all need a bit of help every now and again.

    A watch purchase can be a nice distraction to the sh1t life throws at you but the research can offer just as much of a focus point than the purchase. (I find it more fun to be honest) an impulse purchase rarely hangs about in my collection.
    Maybe take a bit of time think about what would suit your lifestyle and do a bit of digging. You may find that keeper you have been looking for over and above the usual suspects.

    Wishing you all the best, life will get better.
    Last edited by Sinnlover; 14th April 2024 at 11:49.

  6. #6
    Master Ruggertech's Avatar
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    Wishing you all the best Mike, sounds like you are spinning quite a number of plates at the moment.
    Given the assumption that the support of family and friends is very important to you at the moment, perhaps sporting a new and expensive (to most people) watch like a Tudor won't give the best optic? Personally I'd hold off until I got back onto an even keel, or at least buy it for the feelgood factor but keep it hidden away for a while.

  7. #7
    Grand Master Passenger's Avatar
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    I´m gonna go against the grain and suggest you park or if you can ditch the watch thing...If there´s feelings of guilt attached to a pastime- diversion, and as you acknowledge you were never happy with your acquisition for very long... Then isn´t the case that it´s not doing you any good, only adding needless complication to your life, more compelling than the case it´s a happiness providing diversion...Good luck, aim for simplicity and maybe later when you feel more grounded build out from there, would be my advice.

  8. #8
    Grand Master Wallasey Runner's Avatar
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    I think watch contentment for a lot of people is almost impossible to achieve. That probably helps explain why so many on here have had so many watches over the years. The thrill of the chase, the initial excitement of a new acquisition are quickly eclipsed by the need to start searching for the next shiny bauble and in a many cases other watches are sold on to help fund this madness.

    I have come to realise that owning a watch, be it cheap, expensive or even a perceived grail doesn’t actually bring you anything. At the end of the day the rest of the world couldn’t give a toss what you are wearing. It is purely self indulgence, if you enjoy wearing a particular watch, then that is a good enough reason to wear it.

    Watch forums distort the normal world view. People buy a watch and post it in the new arrivals and await the applause and congratulations of a bunch of strangers. You write a review and receive more positive vibes then when listed for sale people say don’t do it, beautiful watch. We don’t listen, we sell it on and the cycle of adulation starts all over again.

    I do admire people who say it’s a keeper or can add to a collection over the years without ever selling anything, but I would suggest these people are in the minority of what is already a small pool of people.

    I agree with the other comments made, put watches to one side and wait until you are in a much better place. At present it seems like it would be an unnecessary and unwanted distraction.

    I wish you the all the best and hope you can find the right support.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    Thanks for the messages everyone, it means a lot.

    I just need to take each day as it comes at the moment, small steps!

    Thanks again

  10. #10
    Master Halitosis's Avatar
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    Wishing you strength through choppy waters Mike, and in the meantime I second the comments that watches are not worth consideration while there are more important things to focus on - especially one's personal wellbeing. There is a lot of help out there for all sorts of difficult situations - reach out and make use of it.

  11. #11
    Agree with P.

    I don't think a Tudor BB58 will make too much difference either way.

    Not sure if you're a g shock kind of guy, but you might find that could give you the buzz of a new purchase, fun to wear, but without blowing any kind of a regretful amount of cash.

    Sent from my M2101K6G using Tapatalk

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