Okay okay so I get the point of cars as a mode of transport. What I mean is I really don't get why people enjoy the act of actually driving a car.

I used to own a R34 Nissan Skyline and have driven Mitsubishi Lancers, Porsche 911 and so on, but if I'm honest I'm just left feeling flat all the time and if anything the increased engine noise I find irritating. I just can't see what the fun is of it at all. I even overheard someone in the office yesterday who said he was planning to take his Maserati out this weekend 'for a drive'. So he had no intention of actually using it to transport him from A to B - he was going to drive the car simply for the sake of driving it! I can't think of a bigger waste of money than that.

So educate me please. Is there something wrong with me as I certainly seem to be in a minority with this view? So what is it about the actual act of driving that is fun? I'm not talking about driving on a track - I've done that before and it's a hoot because of the competitive element of beating other people, but I'm talking about the simple act of manipulating 3 pedals, a gearstick and a steering wheel. What makes this such a blast?