Hello All ,

It was,nt my intention to post a thread relating to my newly acquired Steinhart OVM 2 on the forum as I think there are already enough and much better reviews than mine to be viewed on other forums , but I am so impressed with this new watch that I thought it a good idea to relate my own observatiions and views in my own words .
First of all I am aware of peoples many and varied opinions regarding the Steinhart OVM especially relating to Face colour of the second version ( Vintage Black I think is the official description ) . There are many Steinhart owners out there who who found it intolerable that the first version of the OVM changed the face colour in the second version to a lighter charcoal grey colour , so this is the first point I will comment on . After looking at pictures of the second version on the many forum threads , the face usually did look a kind of lighter grey colour which I found quite attractive and a little different from many other black faced dive style watches . On actually taking my OVM out of its box I was quite surprised to find that the face colour is a more darker colour than I imagined , but enough of a lighter colour to give the watch a unique look about it , which to me looks quite classy ! I , like other people reading the varied opinions on the forums was initially put off by some of the negative views regarding the face colour . but after looking at the pictures time and time again , the new OVM started to grow on me , and after first taking it out of its box it looks even better and most of the forum pictures do not really do it justice !
I know its not a Rolex or an Omega but the weight and its classy looks and the OVMs decent build spec , especially with the vintage lume ( Like a pale apricot colour ) give it the look of a more higher end watch . I am not a big fan of metal bracelets when wearing a watch and much prefer a good quality leather one , but once again I do like the look and style of the OVMs oyster style bracelet , but I do think I will replace it with a leather and / or a quality Rhino or Nato style strap . One other point I will comment on is the size of the dial (42mm) , I must say looking at the watch it does not seem too large or oversized for my wrist ( which is quite slim around 7" ) so I was quite pleased about that .
Obviously I have not had a chance to wear it yet so I cant comment on the wearability factor but what I would say to anyone considering buying one , don't be put off by some of the negative comments and if youre sure , go for it and I don't think you will be disappointed !
Thanks .