Hoping you guys and gals can help. We moved to a rented property in Hengrave in September due to my wife's job relocating with AstraZeneca but need to buy a house soon. Looked at about a dozen so far but with no luck. Our 7 year old is at Culford School so we need somewhere not too far away, however I work away all week so my wife does the school run and then a fair commute to Royston and ultimately to the new AZ building near Addenbrookes.
We have seen a property in Fordnam ST. Martin that is ok but prefer others in Higham and Chevington both of which are bigger and require less work. Both of these are 15-20 mins to school though and my question is are the Fornhams really that much more expensive/ desireable and are there any other areas we should be looking at that offer good VFM. We've seen a few east of Bury but the commute is too far which is a shame as that side seems cheaper!!
I know it's a very specific topic but any help is much appreciated, especially if anyone knows a shortcut from Chevington to Culford and back to the A14!!