Wonder if anyone can help here.

Just taken a sim only contract out with EE. It was in its January sale - 12gb, unlimited calls/texts - £19.99 usually £32.99. In addition to this, I've got a few other discounts through work which reduces it to just over £13 per month. Having just logged into my account for the first time, the contract price is £32.99 and shows amongst others a £13 'time limited' discount. Calling EE they have said it basically means that's valid for the duration of the contract (12 months) and will be removed after but can be negotiated.

My worry is I have a very good contract with 3 that is rolling and doesn't change but if I give this up, PAC code my number to EE, and the increase does come into force, I'm in a worse position in 12 months time.

Has anyone had such a discount with EE and it been removed after 12 months? I thought this was an ongoing contract price but not looking that way now. The main reason I went with EE is you can roam in Canada as part of the plan (but my 3 one doesn't cover canada). So I'm tempted to cancel it within my 14 days and stick with what I have which won't change