..or, the 'everyday carry' phenomenon.

Why? Apparently the stuff I put in my pockets needs a special name now..

I first started noticing it a couple of years ago on US sites like Massdrop, but have since seen it being used over here more. Often in the form of a magazine spread with a selection of excruciatingly self-consciously curated objects.

Plus I don't know if it's an actual rule or not but I've practically never seen one without a matt-black torch or lock-knife, or other 'tactical' object of some description. Mini camouflage aluminium storage capsule keyring anyone? No? How about a rugged tactical pencil?

And exactly what the significance is of the simultaneous mass organising of these objects into geometrically aligned patterns and the compulsion to visually document, I have no idea; but it's practically a Close Encounters event.

Rant over. Please go about your regular business.