I’ve decided I want a chronograph.
A speedy is a possibility, but it’s a bit cliched.
So I had a look about and came across the Sinn 156. Nice looking, great readability and obviously with a following.
But (there’s always a but…) the bezel. I already have a couple of dive watches and I’m looking for a different vibe.

So I poked about and came across a whole load of Lemania 5100 based watches.
I love the orange/red airplane hand set, which I’ve seen on Tutima and some Porsche Design (Orfina) watches.
Of course a Porsche Design one would go nicely with this :


Is there anything to sway one way or the other?
Any other 5100 watches I should be looking at?

The budget would stretch as far as a 3861 Speedy (although less would be better).

