Hi all, looking for collective ideas on a car for a 21 year old 6ft male.

My nephew has had a rough year, father took his life at home 20 weeks ago and my nephew found him and conducted CPR whilst awaiting emergency services. It was a few weeks before his uni finals which I got shifted to end of August.

He wants to train as a medical doctor but missed the intake year now so plans on hold for 12 months.

We are looking to get him some paid work experience as father had no life insurance, had just left his job and had no will in place so family finances are strained whilst we sort out intestacy and probate etc. Obviously they are quite proud and don’t want hand outs so a little paid work experience gives him the opportunity to contribute.

Likelihood though is he will need to travel in a 25 mile radius to a job so he needs a car.

He is adamant he doesn’t want a black box and wants a bit more pep than a 60 bhp town car. Obviously we cannot go crazy here but he deserves something nice and he is a lovely caring young man so why not.

What ideas do people have? Car budget £5k to £10k, manual, big enough for a 6 ft lad, 10 to 11 sec 0-60 etc.

Insurance no more than £1500 per year.

Thanks in advance.

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