Quote Originally Posted by Rodder View Post
Seems like a right hassle, I’d pay for parking in my own development if you can afford it. Life’s already complicated enough.

The guys an A*** but being an A*** certainly means he’s capable of doing something to your car.

Also what’s the etiquette of using a blue badge when the designated person isn’t going to be arriving or leaving in the car? To keep routine surely it’s better for ASC child not to be parking haphazardly and having a designated spot. Good luck
Yeah I would do if my own development had electric charging but it doesn't and I begrudge the greedy barstewards asking £300 when the flats next door sell their slots for £90.

Thanks for all the advice guys. It is no drama as there are a bunch of public chargers nearby but I fancied doing the occasional slow charge to 100% to keep the battery in tip top shape. I think a local Tesco has free ones so I might just use that once in a while.