Hi All,

We're currently in the process of buying a lovely house and our survey has highlighted the presence of 132kV power lines running over the garden and in close proximity to the house (around 8m horizontal from closest point to the centre of the lines) as a concern.
When we looked around we didn't really batter an eyelid, but since it's been flagged I've started some research and worryingly noted some possible links to childhood leukaemia (we have a son <6 months). I understand that there's no direct link between non-ionising radiation and cell damage/cancers, but lots of articles dismiss the dangers EMF and current effect and then say "but housing shouldn't be closer that 50m from high voltage lines". On top of that I'd also be in a garden office 5 days a week directly under the lines.

As with most things there's a mix of information out there and I'm struggling to find a black and white answer (if one exists).

Does anyone have any experience with a situation like this or work in the high voltage field (excuse the pun)?