Since I was young I always struggled with eating first thing in the morning and it often left me feeling rather bilious for a while after.
As I got older I started to miss breakfast all together and I felt no Ill effect at all.
Then about 15 years ago after getting moaned at by the MIL I started eating breakfast again
Nothing had changed and I got that sick feeling once again
Ive always struggled with my weight, floating between normal and rather tubby and for the last 6 months got back on to a serious health kick again. Turning 50 and seeing more and more friends with health issues has spurred me on somewhat. Ive always questioned whether breakfast is as important as its made out though as
on the days I dont eat breakfast I feel no downsides. Id go as far as saying I feel better on the days I dont eat it and I look forward to lunch and evening meal better.
Has anyone else noticed this?

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