Well, unfortunately it’s not good news. I was admitted on Saturday, spent the day being triaged and finally started some treatment on Sunday. That consisted of 4 heavy duty steroid injections per day plus some oral drugs. Normally there’s a clear improvement within 2/3 days but I seem to be one of the rare cases that steroids don’t help. To make matters worse the steroids have played havoc with my diabetes (not unusual) so on top of everything else I’ve suddenly had to have insulin injections on a daily basis too (never needed this before as I’m type 2).

Anyway, today I start a new treatment of biologics via infusion. It’s a newer and seemingly successful approach but it does have its own risks and potential side effects which are a little bit worrying. Regardless of that I’m hoping to god it works, because once steroids and biologics have been exhausted there’s only one other solution. It’s one I don’t even want to think about right now.