I notice a conference next month in Lisbon hosting BAYE (Bored Ape Yacht Club) all about NFTs, cybercurrency, drumming up what seemed to be nothing out of something. And to be honest I didn't have a clue what it was saying - so full of three (or now four letter) acronyms it reminded me of my old work design definition documents. So I did a bit of digging on Web2 and found these articles by Harvard Business Review:


Seems we are in for a revolution but at a cost - the cost being the "gas fees" that run to 1000's or 10,000's dollars per one megabyte of transaction data. Have a read and draw your own conclusions. Thoughts?

(If I could unplug I really would - but sadly it is impossible to operate bank accounts and without MFA and even submitting readings for electric bills here is done online and every corporation seems to require an App.)