Quote Originally Posted by redmonaco View Post
I'm thinking that it wont remain cheaper than fossil fuels to charge your car in the future. Look at what happened when everyone goes over to low use lightbulbs and other ways to use less electricity over the last few years. No-one has saved money because the price of electricity rises...

Bit like the housing market. Government schemes and inducements like deposit and guarantee schemes looked like it would make it cheaper for FTBs, but what actually happened was the builders thought FTBs could now afford a higher price and...hey presto :0(
I’m convinced that offering grants or incentives for anything just inflates the price, sadly.

I didn’t see the cost of cars jumping by the equivalent of any grant once it was removed, seems like manufacturers were just trousering the grant as extra profit.

Similar with solar panels, and home charge points, and now probably heat pumps.

Oils the wheels I suppose.