Following on from Neil’s post I have noticed that I too have frequented this den for 20 years. Where has that time gone and how much have I spent?
Early on I was a serial flipper but then became fortunate enough to be able to keep those I liked. Then I almost became a hoarder, as my wildly diverse SOTCs have illustrated. In the last year though a lot happened with family which made me re-evaluate many things - including my wildly out of control collection/s.
I also miss some of the characters that have been through, others less so - but then I’m sure some would say the same of me, difference is what makes this community great. Like Neil, I wonder will I make another 20 - who knows - but long may the forum continue.
This place is, on the whole, a great and trustworthy place - at times expensive though especially for things I didn’t know I needed.
Anyway, enough of my drivel, and congratulations to all the other ‘old timers’ still here.
Thanks Crusader.