A short message in the newspaper: the remains of 3 bodies found in /near Lancaster E603 are identified. Families have been noticed. It's not sure yet when and where the bodies will be buried.

The Lancaster was shot down near Kornwerderzand, near the west side of the Friesland Province. Currently dykes and dams nearby are being re-enforced and it made digging out the remains of the Lancaster from the bottom of Lake IJsselmeer relatively easy (I posted about that in the past). The plane went down in 1943. 4 crew members washed up on the Frisian shore a few days later, 3 others -now found- were missing until this year.

Next to the remains of the 3 members silver cigarette boxes are found, with initials of their owners. These will be returned as well.

More very readable info here: In English https://geborgenverleden.nl/en/salva.../#section-home