So as not to ruin the sales thread on SC.

When I bought my car this year I started by getting quotes from several of these places (they didnt exist when I bought my last car).

Some quotes seemed over inflated.

Having never used them before I expected to be offered less than quoted when I turned up, but in the end I didnt need to use them.

I was quite surprised as most of the car dealerships where using WBAC themselves as a guide and all told me the same thing.

That with the internet nowadays the price they asked for was accurate across the trade (major not back street traders).

In the end I got a very good price with 6 years total warranty on a 2023 car (model about to change) they even offered me slightly more than WBAC.

I could see we where close on the sale and managed to get an even better price,just by asking and taking my time.

Yes I was looking at the difference in price not just the part exchange value.

I would have had trouble selling my car privately for the price they offered so was quite pleased.

Before turning up at the place I bought the car from I had talked to the manager on the phone,he didnt give me the hard sell (which had allready made me walk away from one dealer).

I had pointed out that one of the same group dealerships had the same car for quite a lot less,he then matched that price and thanked me for pointing it out.

When I arrived he made me a tea, I spotted his rather nice watch and we had a friendly chat.

As I say I was surprised that WBAC prices were used in negotiations,it shows they must be influencing the market.