Inspired by The Gent’s recent quest for a G-Shock, I’ve applied myself to trying to find a suitable Casio for myself.

Some time (some years?) ago I came across a very helpful feature search on one of Casio’s websites, but can’t seem to find it now. Given the bewildering range of models available and the apparent lack of a method to find one that ticks the necessary boxes, would someone please be able to suggest a current model that meets the following criteria?

  • Countdown timer can be set to the second.
  • Countdown timer has auto-repeat.
  • Digital display.
  • Buttons are easy to press.
  • 200m water resist.

Nice to have:
  • Date can be displayed in dd/mm format.
  • 10 year battery.
  • Not too expensive.

I used to have a watch with most of the above. It was a Casio of some sort, although probably not a G-Shock. Sadly, it is long gone, and I don’t recall the model or module number. The Casio I have at them moment only allows the countdown timer to be set to the nearest minute.

Google-Fu has deserted me, so hoping someone may have a suggestion please.

Many thanks!
