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Thread: james bond quantum of solace

  1. #51
    Master wildheart's Avatar
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    Re: james bond quantum of solace

    I know Fleming did'nt write Colonel Sun, but why no film?

  2. #52
    Grand Master Neil.C's Avatar
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    Re: james bond quantum of solace

    Re the Daniel Craig "reinvented" Bond.

    You know what I would have liked to see with Casino Royale?

    The film in the proper setting i.e 1950's with Bond driving his Bentley and all the period touches of the time.

    But then of course the whole "film as one big advert" with all the accompanying product placement would be lost wouldn't it? :twisted:

  3. #53
    Master Gaz64's Avatar
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    Re: james bond quantum of solace

    I have never been a bond fan until the new casino royale QoS was ok IMHO

  4. #54

    Re: james bond quantum of solace

    liked the car chase at the start of the film but thought the rest was boring

  5. #55
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    Re: james bond quantum of solace

    This thread spurred me to re-watch some of QoS.. dog's bollocks
    Craig's Bond is cold, deep, you could see him fighting with himself.
    His turmoil was vivid and it made the film very real. My all time favourite is GoldenEye. Trevelyan (Sean Bean) and Bond had real intense rivalry in GoldenEye and this sort of acting is evident in Craig's Bond IMO. YES, you could say the last two Bond movies were real action flicks and all the free-running + Bournesque action/fighting was over the top, BUT that's the way they would fight, you know. I love the old Bond flicks to bits, but who would ninja-chop a guy in those situations (Connery did :? ). I believe Connery, Brosnan and Craig make the best Bonds, each in their own way. I understand that to each their own and for many people there is only one Bond - Connery.
    Casino Royale and QoS were amasing and I have a feeling that the next one is going to be the one after which everyone will go: Craig is good, very good..
    And then there's Die Another Day - even though I was the biggest Brosnan fan, that was just a terrible film. They could have easily messed up Casino Royale and QoS in the same way (only action, no fiber) but they instead made 2 amazing flicks. :thumbleft:

    Somebody mentioned 88 Minutes. I really liked that movie. A lot of suspense and kept you guessing. Great thriller.

  6. #56
    Master TKH's Avatar
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    Re: james bond quantum of solace

    I think the challenge is to keep something 50 years old fresh so as to keep the die hard fans and to lock in new ones in a competitive sector (bourne, die hard,America meat heads)etc

    and IMHO I think they have got it about right the 007 character is now a tough uncompromising bad mutha who challenges not only the baddies but also his superiors more Connery esq less Moore the joker in a White suit

    I think the first 2 films have established the character set the scene so to speak and now we should be into the

    I look forward to the next one and yes gadgets would be nice

  7. #57
    Grand Master Neil.C's Avatar
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    Re: james bond quantum of solace

    Quote Originally Posted by Pink Floyd
    My all time favourite is GoldenEye. Trevelyan (Sean Bean) and Bond had real intense rivalry in GoldenEye .......


    Remember the bit when they compared watches and held them up for a lingering (paid for) shot. :lol: :wink:

    I believe one mentioned he had the "old" version but it could be clearly seen the watches were contemporaries.

    I hate that crap.

  8. #58
    Grand Master mr1973's Avatar
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    Re: james bond quantum of solace

    I gave up after one hour. I agree, the "new" Bond image is quite good... but the storyline simply wasn't there. Like the script was 2 pages for the whole film.... :(

    And I just can't get used to that MTV look...
    I'm not as think as you drunk I am.

  9. #59
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    Re: james bond quantum of solace

    Quantam of Solace was shite in my opinion, not a patch on Casino Royale and especially no comparison to older Connery Bonds.

  10. #60
    Grand Master Scottishtrunkmonkey's Avatar
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    Re: james bond quantum of solace

    Quote Originally Posted by jimmerjammer
    watched it for the first time on sky last night ...i thought it was crap . anyone else think this ?
    yup, was very poor IMO
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  11. #61
    Grand Master Jonmurgie's Avatar
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    Re: james bond quantum of solace

    Sadly old Daniel doesn't do it for me as a "bond"

    The bond thing has long since passed really... good as it was they should stop now before it becomes a laughing stock (too late perhaps?!)

  12. #62
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    Re: james bond quantum of solace

    It already has become a joke
    A real licence to kill agent would probably look more like Pete Postlethwaite
    Craig is like a Callan sidekick
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  13. #63

    Re: james bond quantum of solace

    Quote Originally Posted by andythebrave
    I thought that while Quantum of Solace was, perhaps, not quite up to the extraordinarily high standard set by Casino Royale it was still a very good piece of work.

    Going against the grain here (based on this thread), but I agree with the above. the "new" Bond is definitely how Bond should be.

    Dont get me wrong, I love the cocky and comedy Bond of Roger Moore, but he wasn't really Bond. This dark, screwed up man that craig plays is Bond. As a film CR beats QoS, but QoS was still a good continuation of the story and a good film in it self.

    After CR the fans asked for action, QoS gave them action and now they are saying CR was better. Hopefully the next instalment will get the balance right.

  14. #64
    Grand Master Glamdring's Avatar
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    Re: james bond quantum of solace

    Quote Originally Posted by PeterM
    Quote Originally Posted by Andrzej
    I watch films for entertainment - and I found this to be visually confusing, and a waste of a couple of hours.
    If you want to waste a couple more hours of your life there's a film called Surveillance on Sky that you shouldn't miss. Despite hurling abuse at the TV for 40 minutes, it didn't improve so it ended rather abruptly.
    Thanks for that. I have it recorded. I'll delete it later.

    I watched QoS last night. I felt it was better than Casino Royale which I thought to be just a normal thriller and in no way a Bond film. QoS had the slightest elements of Bond in but Daniel Craig is not Bond. He's not the Bond of the books, which I have and read three times each as a teenager (but not since). He's not an iteration of any of the previous Bonds (this is not necessarily a bad thing but the only one of previous Bonds I didn't like was Big Fry guy).

    A Bond Film.
    1. Action
    2. Girl(s)
    3. Locations and superb cinematography
    4. Gadgets
    5. Dry one-liners
    6. Angst only in passing
    7. No street-fighting. Bond wins because he's Bond.
    8. The 'Bond-Factor'. An unquantifiable feeling that at the opening credits you know you're going to feel good at the end of the film: the baddies have had their arses kicked and the goodies have won.
    9. Decent opening sound track
    10. Elegance

    QoS fails, for me, on points 10, 9(oh heavens that opening song was utter rubbish), 8, 7, 6, 5 and 4. It had points 1, 2, and 3.

    The plot was unfinished and disjointed, I was never quite sure who the baddies were. At first I thought it was Smersh reinvented.

    As with Casino Royale, QoS was a Bond film for those who simply don't like Bond.

  15. #65
    Join Date
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    Re: james bond quantum of solace

    Quote Originally Posted by Glamdring
    He's not the Bond of the books, which I have and read three times each as a teenager (but not since).
    I should read them again, DC is definitely the Bond of the books.

    Interestingly, this winter I read each of the books again having bought the box set, and out of interest I watched the corresponding film after finishing each book (sad I know!) OHMSS and Casino Royale are the films closest to the original books (QoS and The Spy Who Loved Me being the furthest, borrowing only the titles).

  16. #66

    Re: james bond quantum of solace

    I thought it was fairly rubbish too.
    I watch them for the following;
    Craig was good in Layer Cake - but Bond is sone to death - even my dad can't be doing with them, and he's in his 70s.... :cry:

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