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Thread: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

  1. #1
    Master PipPip's Avatar
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    Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    A serious question. My problems started with a medical check up when I took a new job in Paris 2 years ago. They found my blood pressure was up a bit at around 135/88. I was surprised as I go to gym 2 or 3 times per week where I do a solid hour of aerobic exercise so I'm quite fit, and I'm the right side of 40 (just, 39) and no family history. Company doc wanted to monitor it and its crept up over the past 2 years to 140/95 despite trying low salt diet, taking garlic pills and magnesium supplements. So I went to see a specialist yesterday who did a load of checks including an ultrasound on my heart and concluded that my heart is as healthy and strong as a 30 year olds, just that it beats a bit too quickly, only ever inflating to 80% of capacity, so my blood pressure is raised. He said there's nothing for it but medication, which will start next week when my perscription arrives and probably continue for the rest of my life. Do others on here have the same problem and did you find a natural remedy? Thanks

  2. #2
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    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    Familial hypertension on both sides of parentage. On tablets for the rest of my life and advised to stay away from external stressors. Managing half of that deal (or at least, managing half of it when I remember to take the tablets)...

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Utrecht, Nederland

    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    not sure if i have a high bloodpressure...

    but if i am under a lot of stress or getting angry i feel a lot of pressure in my chest.

  4. #4
    Grand Master jwg663's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    Don't they call it hypertension these days?
    Anyhoo, I've got it. Combination of family history, stress, overweight, blah, blah, blah...
    Currently take 4 different meds a day & hide from the doctor. Will require to take them
    the rest of my natural. BTW, I put on about 35lbs
    when I started taking the beta blockers & I can't shift it.
    Good luck, you sound a lot fitter than I ever was.


  5. #5
    Master PipPip's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    Quote Originally Posted by IANAN
    Familial hypertension on both sides of parentage. On tablets for the rest of my life and advised to stay away from external stressors. Managing half of that deal (or at least, managing half of it when I remember to take the tablets)...
    I was advised not play squash any more, which is a shame as I love the game and its one of the few sports that I'm reasonably good at. Heart specialist said something that roughly translates as its a game that triggers fight or flight hormones which cause a massive acceleration in your blood pressure, not good for most people and a potential killer for you my friend. That was the only bit of the whole thing that really peed me off, tablets I can cope with.

  6. #6
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    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    Unfortunately I do. Have both Amlodopine and Atenolol (or whatever they are called), and that keeps it to 130 over 90+.

    Lots of side effects with them, and also from the statins I take at night.

    As I used to have low blood pressure, I am sure that to some extent caused by blood transfusions.

  7. #7
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    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    Not able to give any advice over the web, but there are a lot of factors which all may have an effect on your BP readings.
    "White coat syndrome"
    Body Mass index
    what time of day the readings were taken etc. etc.

    It sounds like you are under the advice of a GP, so I will not comment further.

    If you haven't already looked, this link has a reasonable explanation in (mostly) laymans terms.

    all the best,

  8. #8
    Administrator swanbourne's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    I tried eating 4 kiwi fruits each day (which is supposed to help) but it didn't reduce my BP enough or fast enough for my doctor, although my BP did reduce over one month. I'm now taking one Amlodipine 10mg each day and my BP is normal now but do I feel any different? No.

    When I was in the army and we had our blood pressure measured, we were made to relax in a darkened room for 20 minutes before taking a blood pressure reading. Perhaps if they still did that, fewer people would be recorded as having high BP. Driving to the surgery, stressed that you might be late; arrive at the surgery and have to wait 20 minutes beyond your appointment time; is it any wonder we have high blood pressure?

    Whole chunks of my life come under the heading "it seemed like a good idea at the time".

  9. #9
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    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    Quote Originally Posted by swanbourne
    I tried eating 4 kiwi fruits each day (which is supposed to help) but it didn't reduce my BP enough or fast enough for my doctor, although my BP did reduce over one month.
    Low sodium - higher Potassium diet does help to a point
    Good sources of Potassium are Orange juice, Bananas, Apricots, Broccoli
    (but not in the same glass - unless your one of those "metrosexual" vegan wierdos) :wink:

    [quote:lo1wesqo]When I was in the army and we had our blood pressure measured, we were made to relax in a darkened room for 20 minutes before taking a blood pressure reading. Perhaps if they still did that, fewer people would be recorded as having high BP. Driving to the surgery, stressed that you might be late; arrive at the surgery and have to wait 20 minutes beyond your appointment time; is it any wonder we have high blood pressure?
    So true..... :roll:

  10. #10
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    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    I`m another one that was diagnosed with high blood pressure several years ago, despite having a long history of strenuous aerobic excercise on a fairly regular basis (running in my case). I take daily medication (Olemetec 10mg) and that keeps it under control.

    I was diagnosed at the age of 44, having gone to the doctors for travel injections! I think the figure was around 160/100 which is not good. At the time I was having a lot of stress and hassle with work, getting headaches regularly and struggling to do much running. My reaction was to go into denial, believing myself to be perfectly fit. A further check after 2 weeks gave a slightly lower but similar figure so I had to accept a regime of daily medication. For several years this kept me around 140/90 or just below, and I got back to doing plenty of running etc.

    The last check-up I had, at the age of 51, gave a figure of 124/80 with a resting pulse of 55. This was shortly before I took early retirement from my job and it's fair to say I was starting to feel v. relaxed :). As for the tablets, I take them when I remember, which is usually alternate days. The biggest factor affecting me was work and stress; that's obvious in hindsight. I`m now 52, running/gym-ing regularly. I`m considering trying to do without the tablets completely because I`m not sure I need them now that my life's changed.

    This problem is quite common, particularly amongst 40-something men, and can affect those who are quite fit. I think stress is a factor in many cases, but there isn`t a lot most of us can do about that. Best to accept the medical advice and take the tablets; don`t go into denial like I did :( . There's no stigma attached to it these days and I'm willing to discuss it openly with people, many of whom are shocked to learn that I'm on medication because I don`t fit the 'overweight, stressed, red-faced' stereotype!


  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?


    I have high blood pressure too and even on tablets I cant get it below 140 over 90 :(

    I am on Amlodopine and Bisoprosal, I'm spelling them off the top of my head so apologies if they are spelt incorrectly.

    I have a history of high blood pressure on both sides of my family...... damn my genetics :D

  12. #12

    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    Even though you dont know it I was convinced my blood pressure was high,went to the docs with various other complaints and turns out I have depression :shock:
    Been signed off for a few weeks but blood pressure is fine.

  13. #13
    Grand Master thieuster's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    Yes, I know all about it... got diagnosed exactly a year ago this week: 265/155... I felt like sh*t when I went to see the doctor (GP). She sent me to hospital for tests and it showed that my kidneys caused the trouble. All other vital organs were fine. A little difficult for me to explain in English, but it has to do with enzymes, my kidneys and ACE control. Luckily, my GP instantly knew what was wrong with me, she only sent me to the hospital to confirm her diagnosis.

    First set off pills worked wonderfully. Not! BP dropped like a stone and my body reacted like I was seasick! (And believe me, I know what seasickness is!) After a few days, things settled and doctor started fine tuning my medication.

    I'm on medication now, for the rest of my life. One strange thing though: I'm into rowing and cycling. Pref. 2x or 3x a week. When I start slowly, without pressure, buiding up speed, I can keep a good pace for quite some time. However, when I start running, or sprinting, my heart starts beating like h*ll and I feel like I'm 'kaput' all day.

    I invested in an Omron BP-monitor and checked it against the professional one my GP uses. And the Omron shows the correct results. And I check my BP once every 2 or 3 weeks: about 135/85 mostly, so I'm quite happy with that.


  14. #14
    Grand Master Christian's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    Quote Originally Posted by Time Cat
    not sure if i have a high bloodpressure...

    but if i am under a lot of stress or getting angry i feel a lot of pressure in my chest.
    Only way to tell is to use a monitor properly. Hypertension is a silent killer because there are often no ill effects.

    At the moment, I've got white coat hypertension. Due to my job, I have annual medicals which generate a lot of don't pass it, you can be out of a job! As I enter the medical centre, I can feel my heart beating out of my chest in fear. As a result, my last blood pressure reading was as high as 165/80 (always a high systolic, low or nomal diastolic reading). I was put on a 24 hour monitor, but this generated as much stress and I had a high-ish average. I then had to see a cardiologist. After months of repeat readings and purchasing a home monitor, my reading became more normal. Also, a nurse taught me a distraction technique to obtain an accurate, non-white coat reading.
    All this and I am a very keen runner, BMI of about 21-22, non smoker, very light drinker.

    The cardiologist was very good and put me at ease. He said that blood pressure research and treatment had come on leaps and bounds in the last couple of decades and it is no big deal to take medication if you need it. As it turns out, there a quite a few of my colleagues on the tablets.

  15. #15
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    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    Quote Originally Posted by Christian
    Quote Originally Posted by Time Cat
    not sure if i have a high bloodpressure...

    but if i am under a lot of stress or getting angry i feel a lot of pressure in my chest.
    Only way to tell is to use a monitor properly. Hypertension is a silent killer because there are often no ill effects.

    At the moment, I've got white coat hypertension. Due to my job, I have annual medicals which generate a lot of don't pass it, you can be out of a job! As I enter the medical centre, I can feel my heart beating out of my chest in fear. As a result, my last blood pressure reading was as high as 165/80 (always a high systolic, low or nomal diastolic reading). I was put on a 24 hour monitor, but this generated as much stress and I had a high-ish average. I then had to see a cardiologist. After months of repeat readings and purchasing a home monitor, my reading became more normal. Also, a nurse taught me a distraction technique to obtain an accurate, non-white coat reading.
    All this and I am a very keen runner, BMI of about 21-22, non smoker, very light drinker.

    The cardiologist was very good and put me at ease. He said that blood pressure research and treatment had come on leaps and bounds in the last couple of decades and it is no big deal to take medication if you need it. As it turns out, there a quite a few of my colleagues on the tablets.
    not sure what my bmi is. iam 1:80cm tall and weight 62kg. very small person. non smoker since 3 years and a ligt drinker.

    I don't know what it is. Just when iam getting back from my work and its extremely traffic i get pretty mad. same goes for stuff that doesnt work as i want with college. Or when i have a lot of stress from work/school. when that happens i feel a lot of pressure on my chest around my heart. Not pain but it doesnt feel comfertable.

    I think if i go to a doctor that he can't see anything if i don't feel taht pressure :?

  16. #16

    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    Chest pains can be simply be caused by stress.
    Get them myself sometimes but I dont panic too much cause I know what it is.

  17. #17
    Master PipPip's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    Thanks for all the replies. I guess compared with some I only have mild hypertension. Will need to do a blood test next week to check if there is anything else going on.

    I'm not particularly overweight (5 foot 9 and about 81kgs) but I'm certainly not skinny either. But overall I think my fitness is OK, did 40 minutes on a cross trainer, 20 minutes cycling and 20 minutes rowing in the gym today which is my "big" cardio workout that I do once a week.

    I think the reality is that its probably stress. I've got a job that is quite senior and well paid, but extremely demanding and 10 hours a day is routine. The main stress comes from the fact that over 50% of it is responding to totally random cries for help from operating companies in our group. I never know what I will be doing a few days from now so I can't plan anything. That causes a high degree of underlying stress. I do regularly have a word with myself because its not like I'm risking my life like soldiers in Afganistan. But its more like a slow burn exacerbated daily by working amongst some of the most useless people I have ever come across - I work in a head office amongst a bunch of process obsessed and yet mind bogglingly hopeless French idiots. Process is used to try to mitigate an embarassing lack of knowledge and understanding. Also my boss is a very nice guy but so forgetful and disorganised that sometimes its hard to believe he can dress and feed himself. You can have a meeting with him at 7pm on a Friday to explain the solution to a problem and at 9am on Monday morning he will remind you that we need to find a solution to the problem. It borders between hilarity and despair and sometimes I feel like I am actually participating in a Pink Panther movie and I expect Kato to jump out the cupboard.

    Also there is one constantly burning question which until I get it resolved is very stressful.....what am I going to do next year. I'm on a 3 year temporary contract in Paris from a UK company within our group and in recent days it has been announced that it will be sold in September (although I've known for months). I've got a wife, a 3 year old and a 1 year old to look after. Staying in France may be an option since my company acknowledges that I have been stranded here by the sale of the UK business. However, my wife desperately wants to leave France and for our 3 year old to go to school in the UK next year. I have a game plan to try to get a role with another UK company within our Group, but its quite stressful trying to execute it and I need to have nerves of steel to make it happen. I'm meeting the bulldog of a CEO of said company on Thursday and unknown to him I'm going to propose that he gives me a job in a position that currently does not exist but that I have identified as them needing. If it comes off I'm laughing, if not, think again.

    My blood pressure is up just writing and thinking about this stuff!!

  18. #18

    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    Quote Originally Posted by PipPip
    My blood pressure is up just writing and thinking about this stuff!!
    Know what you mean :)
    Although my blood pressure is okay I can just feel myself getting down when I think about work :(
    Might just give it up in the end and doss for a few months :D

  19. #19
    Grand Master Christian's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    Just got the monitor out now...first reading was 168/80. Third reading, using technique 125/65.

    Best thing to do....don't stress about it!

  20. #20

    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    Quote Originally Posted by Christian
    Just got the monitor out now...first reading was 168/80. Third reading, using technique 125/65.

    Best thing to do....don't stress about it!
    Nearly got one of those monitors myself then realised I would probably just obsess about it and keep checking it every few mins to see if it had gone down.

  21. #21
    Master PipPip's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    Quote Originally Posted by smallman28
    Quote Originally Posted by PipPip
    My blood pressure is up just writing and thinking about this stuff!!
    Know what you mean :)
    Although my blood pressure is okay I can just feel myself getting down when I think about work :(
    Might just give it up in the end and doss for a few months :D
    Did that once. Qualified as a chartered accountant in 1996 and after the 3 years of working as a trainee auditor long days and studying until bed time every night and every weekend I was totally exhausted. So I spent a year in Oz chasing as many women and waves as I could get, which in both cases was too few ! Had a laugh though and came back to the UK with a six pack, sun tan, a fried brain and images of waves behind my eyelids when I closed my eyes. Never been so relaxed dude!

  22. #22
    Grand Master Christian's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    Quote Originally Posted by smallman28
    Quote Originally Posted by Christian
    Just got the monitor out now...first reading was 168/80. Third reading, using technique 125/65.

    Best thing to do....don't stress about it!
    Nearly got one of those monitors myself then realised I would probably just obsess about it and keep checking it every few mins to see if it had gone down.
    I'd recommend it. My cardiologist told me to get one and take a diary of readings, once every couple of days at the same time when sitting on the sofa. Amazing how my first few readings were quite high but as I got used to it my blood pressure came down to around 120/65. Once satisfied, he told me to put it away, not think about it for a year and take a few before my next medical. Obviously this only works with white coat hypertension. He also said that there is a new theory that white coat hypertension does indicate a propensity for genuine high blood pressure and not to worry about taking meds.

    The distraction technique is to take as deep a breath as you can as the cuff inflates to its maximum. Really concentrate on filling your lungs. As the cuff starts it's deflation, slowly let the breath out through your lips. Again, if you suffer from permanent high blood pressure, this won't lower it, but for white coat, you can see readings plummet to normal levels.

  23. #23
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    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    40 ahhhh I remember....because after turning 40 I was diagnosed with high blood pressure with a couple of other things. Been taking little blue pills for a few years now, good thing as my face is no longer bright red and all those end of day headaches are gone :mrgreen:

  24. #24
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    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    in my newspaper there was a article about high blood pressure today. i haven't read it well cause i was in a hurry to my work.

    but at a quick look i saw that hbp at younger age leads to early heartproblems as it gets 'damage'.

    i shall look for the article when iam back home.

  25. #25
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    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    I'm on amlodopine and perindopril as my pressure was around 185/120 at a routine check :shock:

    I'm pretty sure mine is as a result of taking concomitant NSAIDs for a joint inflammation disorder.

    It was a bit of a pisser for an otherwise fit 30yr old guy to discover, but over the years I've got used to it and I don't seem to suffer any side effects (touch wood!)

  26. #26

    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    I'm 39 and have been on meds for heriditary high blood pressure since I turned 30.

    I was originall on Beater Blockers but couldn't function on them so am now on Candersantan.

    Interstingly I gave up drinking for a year, was a regular gym goer and it didn't make any difference to my blood pressure!

  27. #27
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    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bootsy
    I'm 39 and have been on meds for heriditary high blood pressure since I turned 30.

    I was originall on Beater Blockers but couldn't function on them so am now on Candersantan.

    Interstingly I gave up drinking for a year, was a regular gym goer and it didn't make any difference to my blood pressure!
    so back on drinking if that doesnt matter :lol:

  28. #28

    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    Quote Originally Posted by Time Cat
    Quote Originally Posted by Bootsy
    I'm 39 and have been on meds for heriditary high blood pressure since I turned 30.

    I was originall on Beater Blockers but couldn't function on them so am now on Candersantan.

    Interstingly I gave up drinking for a year, was a regular gym goer and it didn't make any difference to my blood pressure!
    so back on drinking if that doesnt matter :lol:
    That's what I thought! :drunken:

  29. #29
    Master PipPip's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    I've never smoked but before I married and had kids used to drink too much. These days I drink too little! Really, I discoverd a crate of beer in my cellar was past its drink by date at the weekend.
    The doctor who did the ultrasound of my heart said my heart strength readings were extremely good, despite the blood pressure, and he said it makes a nice change to say that to a patient as he is used to telling his heavy smoking French patients that their hearts are weak due to all the smoking.

  30. #30

    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    Dont forget though that whilst you may not be drinking alcohol that caffine in coffee etc also isnt good for your blood pressure.

  31. #31

    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    ...was about 155/95 regularly. now on 5mg Ramipril every day. Invested in an Omron monitor, now read usually 130-140/80.
    Am overweight but reasonably fit and active, Doc advised that losing 2 stone would probably not drop my bp by enough, just on its own.
    Feel much better, incidentally.
    Goat :D

  32. #32
    Master PipPip's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    Quote Originally Posted by smallman28
    Dont forget though that whilst you may not be drinking alcohol that caffine in coffee etc also isnt good for your blood pressure.
    I'm drinking a coffee as I read this. Oops.

  33. #33

    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    Quote Originally Posted by PipPip
    Quote Originally Posted by smallman28
    Dont forget though that whilst you may not be drinking alcohol that caffine in coffee etc also isnt good for your blood pressure.
    I'm drinking a coffee as I read this. Oops.
    Well I used to drink about 8-10 mugs of tea in an evening :shock: as well as 6-8 vending machine sized cups of coffee a day!
    Cut the tea down to 4 a day and if/when I got back to work I will be on the de-caff.
    Not saying I have noticed any difference in how I feel but it wont hurt me to do without a bit :D

  34. #34
    Master PipPip's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    I only drink 2 vending machine coffees and a can of diet coke per day. No tea or coffee in the evenings except the occasional Japanese green tea.

  35. #35
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    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    Quote Originally Posted by PipPip
    Quote Originally Posted by smallman28
    Dont forget though that whilst you may not be drinking alcohol that caffine in coffee etc also isnt good for your blood pressure.
    I'm drinking a coffee as I read this. Oops.
    me to... espresso

  36. #36

    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    I went to my Doctor for back pain the other day, had my blood pressure measured, it was 135-85 and they said it was much too high. Also took blood which resulted in the fact that I now have to inject bloody insulin for the next several weeks, then have to take tablets, presumably for the rest of my life. Up to now I was drinking at least 5-8 cups of tin cappucino a day, not realising that it contains 7 grams of sugar per helping! No wonder I´m now classed as a diabetic. Now everything sweet is binned and I just drink normal coffee with a quarter spoon of sugar at most.

  37. #37

    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    I've been on Lisinopril 12.5mg a day for the last couple of years. Hypertension was diagnosed during initial screening before an exploratory operation for something completely different! I was also pretty stressed with work and family issues. My mum and dad both had it so there's a family history of hypertension.

    My BP has come down from 150/100 to 130/90. I find a bit of exercise makes quite a difference (got a BP monitor at home). I've also cut down on my drinking :(

    It seems that there is a lot of hypertension out there and most people don't know about it :?

  38. #38
    Master PipPip's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    You are right. I expected maybe a couple of replies to this thread but it seems hypertension is in fashion!!

  39. #39
    Master chrisb's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    I suggest that you guys check out the benefits of Hawthorn...tea/pills etc.
    It has remarkable effect upon Coronary issues

  40. #40
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    Utrecht, Nederland

    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    Quote Originally Posted by PipPip
    You are right. I expected maybe a couple of replies to this thread but it seems hypertension is in fashion!!
    cause humans act like hyperactive ants. fast living in a fast world

  41. #41
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    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    Quote Originally Posted by GOAT
    ...was about 155/95 regularly. now on 5mg Ramipril every day. Invested in an Omron monitor, now read usually 130-140/80.
    Am overweight but reasonably fit and active, Doc advised that losing 2 stone would probably not drop my bp by enough, just on its own.
    Feel much better, incidentally.
    Goat :D

    Taking 10mg of that myself Goat looks like you're a bit better off than me

  42. #42
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    Jan 2004

    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    has anybody got any "natural" remedies for high blood pressure ??

    every time I have mine checked (wife nags) it's high.
    doctor eventually suggested Ramipril and sure enough it dropped the readings but when you read the possible side effects I thought bugger this & stopped.

    yes I'm 48 overweight & need a lifestyle change to alter things but pumping all these drugs into my system seemed to be more harmful than the high blood pressure.

    I'm never ill (yes I know it's the silent killer) and have the constitution of an ox - wife,kids and work are the obvious stress inducers but I think in my situation it will be one "big bang" and I'm gone - that's how my dad went but I don't know if he had high blood pressure !!

    any suggestions will be shown to "the dragon"...

  43. #43

    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    Do a bit of research online.
    There are lots of things on there,most of them suggest the same 10 things as self help,things like loose weight,stop smoking/drinking etc worth a look though.

  44. #44
    Grand Master Neil.C's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bootsy

    Interstingly I gave up drinking for a year, was a regular gym goer and it didn't make any difference to my blood pressure!
    I think you are as you are personally with a lot of stuff being genetic.

    I've never done any exercise, like a drink :lol: but when I had my health MOT I found my blood pressure etc was all perfect. It really shocked me! :shock:

    I must admit I have always avoided stressful occupations (working for myself) and I really believe all the stress and long hours that people do now does a lot of folk no good.

    Strangely enough my younger sister is on blood pressure tablets and she looks a damn sight fitter than me.

    We should be grateful for the advances in medical science or we'd all be dead by now. :lol:

    My old mum at 80 takes about 20 odd different tablets a day.

  45. #45
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    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    When I went for my last check my GP said I was borderline and he would medicate me anyway just in case :shock:

    cant say I was to happy with that so didnt take the perscription a few months later I had to go in and see the practice nurse and I mentioned this she took my BP again and said it was fine but that GP's were so worried about BP these days they were over medicating on a just in case basis , Not sure who to believe :(

  46. #46
    Grand Master Glamdring's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy H
    I went to my Doctor for back pain the other day, had my blood pressure measured, it was 135-85 and they said it was much too high. Also took blood which resulted in the fact that I now have to inject bloody insulin for the next several weeks, then have to take tablets, presumably for the rest of my life. Up to now I was drinking at least 5-8 cups of tin cappucino a day, not realising that it contains 7 grams of sugar per helping! No wonder I´m now classed as a diabetic. Now everything sweet is binned and I just drink normal coffee with a quarter spoon of sugar at most.
    Sugar didn't give you diabetes. It will affect you when you've got it. High carb intake; lifestyle, inherited disposition all affect the possibility of getting this. 4g of sugar is a teaspoonful, which would hardly affect anyone. So that means less than a can of Coke a day (10 tsps). You'll get more eating a sweet orange or two and other fruits, which contain fructose. And no, fruit sugar is no better for you than refined except that fructose doesn't cause insulin spikes. If one believes Google.

  47. #47
    Grand Master Glamdring's Avatar
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    Oct 2007
    Doncaster, UK

    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    Different post, different query.
    What about statins and alcohol? Yesterday my dad was told his cholesterol level was too high (6) and he was prescribed Simvastatin, 10mg. The chemist said he had to avoid grapefruit which shocked him as he loves the stuff and reading the leaflet later it said to avoid alcohol, which left him feeling really down! He's a two pints and a shot of whisky on a Saturday type drinker.
    What do you think?

  48. #48

    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    Quote Originally Posted by Glamdring
    Different post, different query.
    What about statins and alcohol? Yesterday my dad was told his cholesterol level was too high (6) and he was prescribed Simvastatin, 10mg. The chemist said he had to avoid grapefruit which shocked him as he loves the stuff and reading the leaflet later it said to avoid alcohol, which left him feeling really down! He's a two pints and a shot of whisky on a Saturday type drinker.
    What do you think?
    I've been on statins for a number of years now, and never been advised not to drink. My doctor knows I drink a glass or two of red wine pretty much every night and doesn't think that's a problem. A couple of pints and a whisky should be fine, but probably best he checks with his GP.

  49. #49
    Grand Master Glamdring's Avatar
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    Doncaster, UK

    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    Thanks. I think we've come to the same conclusion. He still misses his grapefruit though...

  50. #50

    Re: Anyone else got high blood pressure?

    The grapefruit one can be quite serious, especially with simvastatin. Consuming grapefruit stops the natural enzyme breakdown of the statin, effectively resulting in an overdose which can lead to liver or kidney problems.

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