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Thread: baldness

  1. #51
    Join Date
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    Re: baldness

    Quote Originally Posted by Glamdring
    You're just slightly receding; not even remotely bald. :(

    What's the watch?
    My big bald patch is in the back. Never even knew it was there until some barber lady asked if I wanted her to trim around my bald spot. Bitch. :evil: :lol:

    Truth told, I've been too lazy to cut my hair lately, and it's grown back. Starting to annoy me again too.

    That's the Stowa Icarus I used to own. Nice watch. :(


  2. #52
    Master dejjl's Avatar
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    Re: baldness

    My brother has gone bald and insists on growing a beard......looks like he has his head on upside down.

    It never held Yul Brynner, Telly Sevalas, Bruce Willis etc. back. :wink:

  3. #53

    Re: baldness

    Mine disappeared in in 1998 or there abouts, it was a rough time.
    As I got used to it, I found it rather fascinated women. I've since had to have a lot of willpower to prevent myself getting into situations that would cause much discord with swmbo.

    If its all gone, you will get stares from the uneducated and those of lower mental prowess, but you know what they say about about bottom products and education 8)

  4. #54
    Master Omegary's Avatar
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    Re: baldness

    Quote Originally Posted by Rob (NZ)
    Get some clippers and buzz it yourself.

    Saves a shit load of money.

    OK we've made his appendage look bigger, now what about his head? :wink:

    Started losing mine in my 20's, double crown and all that. Never really bothered me tbh, in fact it's far more convenient than having hair, just keep it short and tidy.


  5. #55

    Re: baldness

    Mine started to go in my mid twenties, I thought it was the end of the world!
    Hung on in there till mid thirties... then decided to shave off and then grow some stubble.

    The ladies seem to love it! :lol:

  6. #56

    Re: baldness

    I never gave it a thought as my Dad always had a full head of hair, and didn't realise that you go by your grandfather on your mum's side until someone told me.

    I started to lose on top about a couple of years ago (i'm 46 now), and its thinning bit by bit. At first, it really bothered me, but then you just think if it's going to happen then it's going to happen, just live with it. Could be a lot worst things happen, plus it will save a few hundred quid on shampoo for the rest of your life........... put to another watch :mrgreen:

  7. #57
    Master Red Steve's Avatar
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    Re: baldness

    Quote Originally Posted by wildheart
    Hairs for GIRLS!

    too bloody right :D :lol: 8)

  8. #58

    Re: baldness

    I've also accepted the fact mine is not going to grow back however much I might want it too. I've also got used to it being the way it is after getting it cut short for a few months. I've been getting it cut at the barbers but I'm now in the process of looking for a decent contraption to do it myself given that what's left seems to grow at an alarming rate. I'm not sure your mothers dad's hair is an accurate indication of how yours will turn out as I've got family with the same grandparent but totally different looking bonces around the same age.

  9. #59
    Master dejjl's Avatar
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    Re: baldness

    Quote Originally Posted by Azuk
    I'm not sure your mothers dad's hair is an accurate indication of how yours will turn out as I've got family with the same grandparent but totally different looking bonces around the same age.
    You're right.....its the luck of the draw in terms of genetic profile and 2 brothers can be very different.

  10. #60
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    Re: baldness

    Hair......a thing of the past...its obviously an evolutionary thing, doesn't actually serve a purpose!!!! Unless your Swiss Tony and then its a true thing of beauty :?

    My gripe is my hairs fallen I can't bloody see!!!!! I used to have the eyes of a the A to Z is just a blurrrrr.......BUGGER :cry:

  11. #61

    Re: baldness

    Ha! Some guys feel sorry for themselves losing their hair in their mid-twenties.

    Mine starting getting a bit thin in my mid-teens and was quite noticeable by the time I was twenty.

    When I was in my mid-twenties I said to my girlfriend "at least I'm losing my hair from the front where I can see it". She said nothing and looked a bit uncomfortable, so I then realised I was fighting a war on two fronts, (yes it was thinning from the rear too).

    When faced with a war on two fronts from an overwhelming enemy I did the only thing I could and surrendered, (i.e. I shaved it all off).

    To be honest I'm ok with having no hair. I suppose I'd rather have hair than not if there was a cheap, safe and guaranteed solution, but there isn't so I'm happy enough to display my shiny pate to the populace. Plenty of guys shave their heads these days, so you won't stick out if you shave it off. Look even these smiley guys have no hair :D :) :( :o :shock: :? 8) :lol: (all apart from the bunny rabbit, and who knows if the smurf has hair under his hat). :albino: :bigsmurf:

    So arise my bald brothers and shout it loud "I'm bald and I'm proud". (Actually that last sentence was merely there for rhetorical affect, don't do that. No really, don't).

  12. #62

    Re: baldness

    Right on brother!

    I've chosen to bust the upside-down head look, which would be great if the beard wasnt ginger - also annoying when I get called a ginger but hey ho.

    Recently upgraded from beard trimmers to gillette - had been holding off for a few years as it was the only 'cut' I could move on to. Shave it every few days and when I do I'm suprised I dont get arrested I stroke my head so much. Its just that its so.......SMOOOOOOOOTH!

    Would like to have hair but I dont - and wont doing the combover that old man did. Most annoying is sweat like the proverbial dripping off my noggin.

    And its not all bad - my mates with the silky barnet doesnt get all kinds of female friends rubbing their head whilst they purr like a cheshire cat! :bounce: :shock:

  13. #63

    Re: baldness

    By the way, if anyone's considering this; just google 'propecia side effects' .... pretty scary stuff. Personally I don't think it's worth the risk.

    Quote Originally Posted by sundial
    Quote Originally Posted by media_mute
    mid thirties and it's going, hardly the end of the world. is this just one of those things or are there solutions? I'm not really too bothered if there isn't but, I look a little better with hair and figured some one else must have wondered about this too. cheers in advance
    Try Boots the Chemist .. they have a brochure ref their treatment ... ... Programme/


  14. #64
    Grand Master sundial's Avatar
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    Re: baldness

    Many years ago on the "Tonight" TV programme one of Alan Whicker's interviews featured a chap with an effeminate voice who claimed to be curing his baldness by rubbing chicken manure into his scalp.

    "Well they would say that ... wouldn't they!"

  15. #65
    Master golfg60's Avatar
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    Re: baldness

    having no hair is great :wink:
    no expensive cuts or styles :lol:
    one wipe and its dry
    women love bald men fact!!!
    to the guys who go and get it aranged at the barbers
    just SHAVE IT :lol: :lol: you will not regert it

  16. #66

    Re: baldness

    Quote Originally Posted by village
    It happens....mine started to go mid twenties.
    Don't try and cover it up or anything-just looks stupid-and don't waste money on hair treatments.
    Go to the barbers and get a number 2 (or even 1) and you'll soon get used to it.
    All you have to remember then is (a) summer-sun cream and a baseball cap (b) winter- wooly hat
    Sound advice.........although I got some decent clippers and get the Mrs to do it (or DIY)

  17. #67
    I am resurrecting this thread as I need a bit of advice, id appreciate if you could please keep the mickey taking to a minimum as it is actually getting me down a bit

    Noticed a patch of hair on the back of my neck/back of head had dissapeared about two years ago (aged 35) when having my hair cut, I am in no way vain but it was a shock to the system, always had a thick head of hair and wasnt expecting it, I saw the dr who advised it was alopecia areata this coincided with dizzy spells and aura migraines, they took bloods etc and diagnosed type 2 diabetes and explained my job/stress/worry was not helping

    I quit my job, took a huge pay cut and started a new career as well as losing a few stone, started eating regular and healthier and taking more exercise, to be honest it was a kick up the arse I needed at that time

    My health improved and I have managed to control the diabetes with diet/exercise but the hair didnt grow back, it never worried me much as it was in a pretty good place (if that is possible) fast forward to Friday and getting ready to see a mate for a few drinks I notice a big patch at the front has gone, the same old sick feeling returned and now I am at the stage where I have accepted its going and thinking about my options

    I could shave it to a number 1 but it would look odd having several patches of completely bald skin, I could shave it back to the wood but I have a big mole on the back of my head that will cause issues when shaving and frankly look hideous (especially with a few stray hairs sprouting around it)

    I am now wondering if the mole could be removed to allow me to shave my head fully? I have been out today and bought half a dozen hats (different styles from casually to smart) as a short term answer, sat in town today having a coffee in a flat cap and felt quite self concious which I know is stupid, never worn a hat and didnt even know if it was rude not taking it off inside

    I know its not the end of the world but any advice at all would be welcomed

  18. #68
    Male pattern balding, or alopecia?

    If alopecia, you could try hydrocortisone- injections would be best.
    It's just a matter of time...

  19. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by Omegamanic View Post
    Male pattern balding, or alopecia?

    If alopecia, you could try hydrocortisone- injections would be best.
    Alopecia areata, thanks i will speak to dr

  20. #70
    Master Scrubnut's Avatar
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    There will be a cure available for mpb in 8-10 years. I think you end up with large breasts though, which may or may not be a bonus

  21. #71
    Quote Originally Posted by Montybaber View Post
    Alopecia areata, thanks i will speak to dr
    Good luck. I have a patch on my neck, but I've been trying my best to ignore it - for now.
    It's just a matter of time...

  22. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by Omegamanic View Post
    Good luck. I have a patch on my neck, but I've been trying my best to ignore it - for now.
    Thanks, you too, I have been fine with it up until now but the latest patch is right at the front so hats for now

  23. #73
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    It's probably not of much consequence for your problem today, but hair transplant costs will also fall considerably in the next few years. I watched a tv show on the subject not that long ago.

    I think more people suit their baldness than they realise. I have a few friends who lost the thatch early (under 30) and they really suit it, in fact I think they'd look odd with hair.

  24. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by demonloop View Post
    It's probably not of much consequence for your problem today, but hair transplant costs will also fall considerably in the next few years. I watched a tv show on the subject not that long ago.

    I think more people suit their baldness than they realise. I have a few friends who lost the thatch early (under 30) and they really suit it, in fact I think they'd look odd with hair.
    I would be totally fine with losing it gradually and in a uniform way but as I lose pretty large irregular patches overnight I am finding it a bit harder to deal with

    In the grand scheme of things it is not a big deal and I will cope just wondered if anyone has gone through similar (its apprently very common)

    My plan is relaxation/stress relief techniques and lots of hats :)

  25. #75
    Quote Originally Posted by Scrubnut View Post
    There will be a cure available for mpb in 8-10 years. I think you end up with large breasts though, which may or may not be a bonus
    The funny thing is, we've been "10 years away" from a cure for baldness for over 20 years now! I remember someone telling me that when I stated thinning in my mid-20's. I'm nearly 50 now (and well past being bothered about going bald - I would say probably a third to half of blokes in late 40's/early 50's are losing it).

  26. #76
    Grand Master hogthrob's Avatar
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    A chap I work with developed alopecia similar to the way you describe yours - he had a few randomly placed bald spots. He ended up with a number 1 for what was left, but he also bleached his hair, which made the bald spots less prominent.

    Depending on how much your self-esteem is affected, don't rule out the possibility of a hairpiece. It would be a cold person who accused you of vanity in this situation.

  27. #77
    Master Man of Kent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrubnut View Post
    There will be a cure available for mpb in 8-10 years. I think you end up with large breasts though, which may or may not be a bonus
    Depends if the breasts grow on the head

  28. #78
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    If you don't find a medical solution, a dark-haired friend of mine with a similar issue went for the number 1 route, but also had the patches covered cosmetically with tattoo'd hair stubble. Sounds bizarre I know but it really does make the patches less noticeable - it helps that they are on the edges of his hair, but it may be worth looking into?

  29. #79
    Grand Master magirus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Montybaber View Post
    I am resurrecting this thread as I need a bit of advice, id appreciate if you could please keep the mickey taking to a minimum as it is actually getting me down a bit

    Noticed a patch of hair on the back of my neck/back of head had dissapeared about two years ago (aged 35) when having my hair cut, I am in no way vain but it was a shock to the system, always had a thick head of hair and wasnt expecting it, I saw the dr who advised it was alopecia areata this coincided with dizzy spells and aura migraines, they took bloods etc and diagnosed type 2 diabetes and explained my job/stress/worry was not helping

    I quit my job, took a huge pay cut and started a new career as well as losing a few stone, started eating regular and healthier and taking more exercise, to be honest it was a kick up the arse I needed at that time

    My health improved and I have managed to control the diabetes with diet/exercise but the hair didnt grow back, it never worried me much as it was in a pretty good place (if that is possible) fast forward to Friday and getting ready to see a mate for a few drinks I notice a big patch at the front has gone, the same old sick feeling returned and now I am at the stage where I have accepted its going and thinking about my options

    I could shave it to a number 1 but it would look odd having several patches of completely bald skin, I could shave it back to the wood but I have a big mole on the back of my head that will cause issues when shaving and frankly look hideous (especially with a few stray hairs sprouting around it)

    I am now wondering if the mole could be removed to allow me to shave my head fully? I have been out today and bought half a dozen hats (different styles from casually to smart) as a short term answer, sat in town today having a coffee in a flat cap and felt quite self concious which I know is stupid, never worn a hat and didnt even know if it was rude not taking it off inside

    I know its not the end of the world but any advice at all would be welcomed

    Something similar happened to me @ 15 years ago. I noticed a small bald spot on the back of my head when giving myself my customary grade 3 with the clippers. It became progressively larger over a number of months so I took the lot off down to the wood, and over another 9 months or so the rest went. I had every test under the sun, but medical science couldn't find a cause. I was offered counselling as apparently a lot of blokes take it badly, but they'd asked someone who really didn't give a monkeys. The day I shaved my head my then 3 year old daughter looked at me agog and I asked her "Well, what do you think of that pet?" Her reply, "At least you still have your head daddy" put the whole non issue into perspective. If you can get around the mole issue my advice is to just shave off what's left, it looks better than a receding hairline anyway. Of course to carry off this new look it helps if you are an incredibly handsome b*****d as I am.............

  30. #80
    Quote Originally Posted by magirus View Post
    Something similar happened to me @ 15 years ago. I noticed a small bald spot on the back of my head when giving myself my customary grade 3 with the clippers. It became progressively larger over a number of months so I took the lot off down to the wood, and over another 9 months or so the rest went. I had every test under the sun, but medical science couldn't find a cause. I was offered counselling as apparently a lot of blokes take it badly, but they'd asked someone who really didn't give a monkeys. The day I shaved my head my then 3 year old daughter looked at me agog and I asked her "Well, what do you think of that pet?" Her reply, "At least you still have your head daddy" put the whole non issue into perspective. If you can get around the mole issue my advice is to just shave off what's left, it looks better than a receding hairline anyway. Of course to carry off this new look it helps if you are an incredibly handsome b*****d as I am.............
    Thankyou, I have no issue going full Goodhew its just the pesky mole, never been handsome so it make vlittle difference :)

  31. #81
    Quote Originally Posted by hogthrob View Post
    A chap I work with developed alopecia similar to the way you describe yours - he had a few randomly placed bald spots. He ended up with a number 1 for what was left, but he also bleached his hair, which made the bald spots less prominent.

    Depending on how much your self-esteem is affected, don't rule out the possibility of a hairpiece. It would be a cold person who accused you of vanity in this situation.
    Thankyou, i did wonder about bleaching/colouring to make it less noticable if I couldnt shave it

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Scepticalist View Post
    If you don't find a medical solution, a dark-haired friend of mine with a similar issue went for the number 1 route, but also had the patches covered cosmetically with tattoo'd hair stubble. Sounds bizarre I know but it really does make the patches less noticeable - it helps that they are on the edges of his hair, but it may be worth looking into?
    Thankyou, i will look into that

  32. #82
    TBH you probably need the mole checked out anyway, and may well be possible to remove it.

  33. #83
    Grand Master Dave+63's Avatar
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    It's certainly possible to have the mole removed but as Catch21 said, it's best to get it checked out too.

    After that, a quick shave and you're sorted.

    (Dave, 53, slightly receding and growing a bald patch on the crown but otherwise just going grey!)

  34. #84
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    I'm 35 in June and have been thinning on top towards the front for a couple of years. It hasn't got a lot worse in this time but I am resigned to the inevitable at some point! It did get me down up until recently as I always had a really thick head of hair. I'll go with a 2 allover when I have the guts (and it thins more)...

  35. #85
    Quote Originally Posted by catch21 View Post
    TBH you probably need the mole checked out anyway, and may well be possible to remove it.
    Id just have the mole removed, and then shave while you are looking into treatment.
    It's just a matter of time...

  36. #86
    Craftsman djjuk's Avatar
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    42 now and starting noticeably thinning in my late 20's - went the standard route of lowering the grades over the years to a now once a week no guard clip. Surprisingly enough due to being used to it I guess I would not go back. Have a short beard to avoid the total egg look ;)

    Not much you can do about it if no underlying medical factors so learn to love (or at least accept!)'s only hair at the end of the day.

  37. #87
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    Despite my mates all slagging me saying i was going bald in my 20s my hair ended up hanging about longer than we all thought, i had the receders but most people told me I wasn't bald. However, when my son went through chemo and his hair started to fall out I let him shave my head after I shaved his. I've just kept it that way now as much prefer it.

    The trouble with hair on men over about 35 is that you look a bit ridiculous if you have the latest hair do and you look like your stuck in a time warp if you have the same hairdo you had when you were 20. You're better off not having hair.

    Pic from the night after we shaved each others head in the hospital

  38. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by mowflow View Post
    Despite my mates all slagging me saying i was going bald in my 20s my hair ended up hanging about longer than we all thought, i had the receders but most people told me I wasn't bald. However, when my son went through chemo and his hair started to fall out I let him shave my head after I shaved his. I've just kept it that way now as much prefer it.

    The trouble with hair on men over about 35 is that you look a bit ridiculous if you have the latest hair do and you look like your stuck in a time warp if you have the same hairdo you had when you were 20. You're better off not having hair.

    Pic from the night after we shaved each others head in the hospital

    Bless you both!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  39. #89
    Master MFB Scotland's Avatar
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    Puts things into perspective. Hope the wee guy is doing well

    Been thinning for a few year and hate it. Would do a Rooney if I could (A) afford it (B) brazen it out at work.

  40. #90
    I'm currently about 6 months in to my 2nd bout of alopecia with the first one being about 5 years ago. Fortunately it's at the back of my head so stays hidden most of the time. I found the hair loss was at it's worst when I was worrying about it and it stopped once I stopped worrying about it although it's easier said than done.
    I use Ba-Wang anti hairfall shampoo and oil and a week or so ago started taking black seed oil tablets and I have some black seed oil that I rub into the patch before I go to sleep. It's probably a coincidence but since I started on the black seed oil I've noticed some regrowth.

  41. #91
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    Right I've decided to respond/hopefully help.
    Credentials first. I work as a GP and also in hospital dermatology. I've also been taking Finasteride for the last 5-6 years.
    I don't work privately for any "hair clinic".
    Reading this thread the danger is that we consider all forms of baldness as the same thing. They are not. Male pattern baldness is gradual and follows a certain pattern (hence the name). Alopecia areata is totally different, usually does not progress to total baldness and actually for the majority will regrow eventually. Here's a link to a patient information leaflet from an authorative body.

    Regarding the mole most unlikely to worrisome in that area but getting your GP to have a look at it and then discuss what options are available locally is your best bet.


  42. #92
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    I feel for you mate. I started to lose my hair when in 6th form and it gave me loads of stress and anxiety until my mid twenties when I started to worry about something else.....

    My mate however suffered with alopecia studying for A levels and it's a totally different issue than MPB and understandably very difficult to deal with - I wish you all the best but the general advice you've had is good.

    Sort the mole out first and then go as short as you can first before looking at the camouflage options.

    I honestly think you'll be surprised how little attention it draws - Most people are so wrapped up in their own appearance to notice!

    Good luck and all the best.

  43. #93
    Master alfat33's Avatar
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    Can't help with the medical stuff. But you'll get over wearing hats from time to time - don't treat them like fancy dress, choose one or two decent quality ones that you like, just like any other clothes. As someone else said, no one else cares anyway :).

    Also when I went bald on top in my 40s, my wife read me a quote from a chick lit book about the 3 qualities of the ideal husband and one was about going bald gracefully, meaning not making a big meal of it. Which is obviously feminine nonsense that we macho types would ignore but was also quite sweet.

  44. #94
    Massive thankyou to everyone who has taken the time to offer advice, it is very much appreciated

  45. #95
    Craftsman PJdB's Avatar
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    Personally I would steer well clear of Fin, Dut, Minox etc. I have heard of cases whereby your libido is permanently shut down.

    Would you really want to be dependent on those drugs for the rest of your life.

    Plus, the very act of taking the drugs makes you think about it more, stress more, and in turn make you unhappier. If you just shave your head you'll quickly forget about it and get on with enjoying your life.

    I am happy with a shaved head, and I do honestly believe that hair is for girls. There's never been a better time to be bald, - it's fashionable, especially if you have a decent physique - it's part of the look.

    I wish I shaved mine off before I did.

    Before I did, I thought I'd look like a right Philbert, - but surprisingly, a shaved head suits me.

    Other advantages include

    never having to check your hair in the mirror
    shave your hair yourself, which means you can do it regularly so you always look smart
    not having to waste your time going to a barbers
    save loads of money on haircuts and hair products

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