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Thread: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

  1. #1
    Grand Master ryanb741's Avatar
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    Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    Okay okay so I get the point of cars as a mode of transport. What I mean is I really don't get why people enjoy the act of actually driving a car.

    I used to own a R34 Nissan Skyline and have driven Mitsubishi Lancers, Porsche 911 and so on, but if I'm honest I'm just left feeling flat all the time and if anything the increased engine noise I find irritating. I just can't see what the fun is of it at all. I even overheard someone in the office yesterday who said he was planning to take his Maserati out this weekend 'for a drive'. So he had no intention of actually using it to transport him from A to B - he was going to drive the car simply for the sake of driving it! I can't think of a bigger waste of money than that.

    So educate me please. Is there something wrong with me as I certainly seem to be in a minority with this view? So what is it about the actual act of driving that is fun? I'm not talking about driving on a track - I've done that before and it's a hoot because of the competitive element of beating other people, but I'm talking about the simple act of manipulating 3 pedals, a gearstick and a steering wheel. What makes this such a blast?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    The Earth
    Quote Originally Posted by ryanb741
    Is there something wrong with me[?]
    Yes. You're missing a few core male genes.

  3. #3

    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    Quote Originally Posted by ryanb741
    What makes this such a blast?
    I take great pleasure in doing it really well, or at least as well as I can.
    For me, driving is like any skill - rewarding when you do it right, although with our crowded roads it's not easy to have an enjoyable blast these day even in a quick car, which is why I'm far more likely to go for a blast on my bike.

    Wanted - Damasko DC57

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    Speak to your G.P , they might be able to help .

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    When I was younger, I used to enjoy driving (while listening to music) or riding my bike. The sense of freedom, just me and the machine.
    20+ years of doing 40K per year in a company car, and I now just can't be bothered. In the past year, since packing in that job, I've not driven more than 25 miles in one go.
    Maybe it's an age thing?

  6. #6
    Grand Master seikopath's Avatar
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    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    it used to be nice when the roads were empty.
    Good luck everybody. Have a good one.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    I used to like driving but in the past 10 years I've driven my cars over 500,000 miles so the 'joy' of driving has gone. What has never left me though is the peace, the independence and the freedom that I get. That, my friend, is priceless.

    Good Luck.

  8. #8
    Grand Master Foxy100's Avatar
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    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    Wouldn't it be dull if we were all the same?

    I love driving, best time to do it is late at night or early in the morning when there's no one else on the road!
    "A man of little significance"

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    I love my car! I love the look of it. I love the smell of the interior leather, the sound of the V12 engine coming to life.

    Music sounds better in the car, scenery looks better from the inside of the car, the stresses and worries of the day seem to fall away and spirits soar as the car and I glide along the motorway or country lane. Sometimes a man just needs peace and quiet and to be alone with something that he loves dearly but who doesn't talk back!

    I feel inadequate trying to explain it - it is just a wonderful experience sometimes!

  10. #10

    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    Highway to Hell


    Turn it up to eleven :iroc: :iroc:

  11. #11
    Grand Master GraniteQuarry's Avatar
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    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nugget
    Sometimes a man just needs peace and quiet and to be alone with something that he loves dearly but who doesn't talk back!

    Couple days ago took my Lotus Carlton for a blast... one of the joys of Aberdeen is it's just 5 mins to open countryside and quiet roads. Beautiful sunny day, clear blue sky, snow on the hills in the distance.

    I left the wife at home.

    Utter bliss :lol:

  12. #12
    Master westy's Avatar
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    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    Quote Originally Posted by seikopath
    it used to be nice when the roads were empty.

    I've really lost the love recently.

    Which is a shame, as I'd often go out just for a drive or ride as a youngster.

    I suppose track days may be the answer.....

  13. #13
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    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    You must have enjoyed some aspect of driving, you don't buy a Skyline for comfort, efficiency or everyday practicality. If these were the main concerns there are better choices in all budgets. You buy one because it mental and fun to drive, unless there was different reasoning on you behalf?

  14. #14
    Master raysablade's Avatar
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    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    I've always disliked driving. Never got over the feeling of detachment and never felt comfortable being in control with the windows shut. All my work mates have company cars, I'm happy to take the train and borrow a car when its absolutely essential.

    Give me a push bike anyday, you can still find empty spaces, I completely understand whats going on and in adrenaline terms its genuinely dangerous :wink:

  15. #15
    Thomas Reid
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    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    (a) I like the idea of going various places it would be otherwise difficult to get to. (b) I don't like driving. When I very young, (a) won. I haven't driven for the past 20 years, and am glad of it.

    Best wishes,

  16. #16
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    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    Quote Originally Posted by ryanb741
    Okay okay so I get the point of cars as a mode of transport. What I mean is I really don't get why people enjoy the act of actually driving a car.

    So educate me please. Is there something wrong with me as I certainly seem to be in a minority with this view? So what is it about the actual act of driving that is fun? I'm not talking about driving on a track - I've done that before and it's a hoot because of the competitive element of beating other people, but I'm talking about the simple act of manipulating 3 pedals, a gearstick and a steering wheel. What makes this such a blast?
    For me it was always about ESCAPE .... FREEDOM .... when I got my first car .. a Ford Anglia .. in 1972 .... just the act of being able to get into it and drive ( instead of hitch hiking) anywhere I could afford was intoxicating ... I was suddenly my own master. Once on the open road it was easy to imagine being free of societal constraints .. of being in control of one's own destiny. A trip to the Scottish highlands .. or the European Alps ......... took oneself to places of immense beauty and peace. It was easy to get away from moribund society.
    To this day that slightly romantic feeling is still there when I get into a car ... especially a car with some character .. .. I can lose the cares of the world and inhabit an alternative universe all of my own ... just by manipulating those 3 pedals, a gearstick and the steering wheel ... Sp Wake up man .. get behind that wheel .. hit the open road with no destination in mind .... and ......... dream a little bit .. :-)

  17. #17
    Grand Master ryanb741's Avatar
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    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    Someone asked about why I had a Skyline if I don't like driving. I was actually given one as a wedding present. In terms of my age I am 33 so I can't even claim old age :-(

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    Been thinking some about this. Other reasons that I no longer enjoy driving:

    Speed cameras, especially the mobile ones.
    The cost of fuel
    Diesel cars
    Poorer eyesight and spectacles not conducive to night driving
    Poorly adjusted and over-bright headlights on oncoming vehicles
    The complete lack of good driving roads in West Cornwall

    I think that the last time I enjoyed driving was when I spent a couple of weeks working in Wales, about 10 years ago.

  19. #19
    Grand Master Glamdring's Avatar
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    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    Independence. You, a machine and nobody else.

  20. #20

    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    Quote Originally Posted by ryanb741
    Okay okay so I get the point of cars as a mode of transport. What I mean is I really don't get why people enjoy the act of actually driving a car.

    I used to own a R34 Nissan Skyline and have driven Mitsubishi Lancers, Porsche 911 and so on, but if I'm honest I'm just left feeling flat all the time and if anything the increased engine noise I find irritating. I just can't see what the fun is of it at all. I even overheard someone in the office yesterday who said he was planning to take his Maserati out this weekend 'for a drive'. So he had no intention of actually using it to transport him from A to B - he was going to drive the car simply for the sake of driving it! I can't think of a bigger waste of money than that.

    So educate me please. Is there something wrong with me as I certainly seem to be in a minority with this view? So what is it about the actual act of driving that is fun? I'm not talking about driving on a track - I've done that before and it's a hoot because of the competitive element of beating other people, but I'm talking about the simple act of manipulating 3 pedals, a gearstick and a steering wheel. What makes this such a blast?
    I wouldn't worry about it, there is no obligation for anyone to like driving, even blokes.

    I understand that there are even some people who aren't that bothered about watches ... :P

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    I'm the opposite - I love road driving, but cannot get "track driving". I like the challenge, on track you know whats coming, you have good surface etc. On a open road you never know quite what you might encounter. I have always found a small engineed car thrashed mercilessly far more fun too (I really should buy back that AX GT I sold last year :cry: )

    I have driven most of the Alpine passes (tip avoid the Stelvio too busy, try the Splugen instead) but I think the most fun I have had a run between Geneva and Menton.

  22. #22
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    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    Aside from the whole speed camera, congestion etc. I think it could just be where you live and work, Ryan. It's just not an enjoyable experience driving in London (or any urban environment).

    Many of us look at life through rose-tinted glasses - putting up with the crap because we can recall the feeling of freedom on those few occasions in the past where it was perfect... but they are getting rarer and rarer.

    The world is changing and I'm not changing with it, so I can easily understand how someone can suddenly feel like a fish out of water :(

    Deep thinking aside, I've got to say - a Nissan Skyline as a wedding present! :shock: 8)

  23. #23
    Grand Master seikopath's Avatar
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    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    also these days i tend to regard most of my time in the car as a chore, living in a rural area and constantly ferrying the kids around. the miles soon add up. means that i would never think of 'going for a drive' just for pleasure. familiarity with all the regular runs means im on auto pilot most of the time, thinking about something else rather than enjoying the moment.
    Good luck everybody. Have a good one.

  24. #24
    Grand Master GraniteQuarry's Avatar
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    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    Quote Originally Posted by PeterM
    Deep thinking aside, I've got to say - a Nissan Skyline as a wedding present! :shock: 8)
    LOL made me laugh too.

    Seriously OP? You have to expand on this :lol:

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    To some extent I agree with the OP. For the most part driving in the UK is a chore, getting from A to B is just more of your life time wasted or at least that is how I feel about it these days. There are however places you can go that are not so bad like over in mainland Europe or the less populated parts of the UK like some of the south west and Scotland. Our last couple of holidays have been touring trips and tbh there is nothing quite like the freedom of exploring an area at your own pace on your own wheels, be that 2 or 4.

    I went through all that fast road car stuff, in my 20's spent every penny I had modifying the mini I had then Saab 900 to be wolfs in sheeps clothing type things to embarrass faster stuff.

    Then I grew up. Now to me fast road cars are nothing more than a complete waste of money.

    I still have 2 Porsches though, one the wife loves to tootle about in and one that is my race car (or track day car as fully road legal). Our 968 tiptronic for example is nothing like as quick as most modern machinery but its more than adequate for the road, the race car has no PAS and is light weight so gives amazing feel and low running costs on track. If we ever move on the 968 it will have been my last road based sporty car.

    I have an old diesel P38 range rover to drive around in most days, its not remotely quick but I just can't be bothered to trade up to something newer/better/flashier as its cheap enough and old enough for me to just not worry or care about it. This in itself can make driving fun in a liberating slightly perverse fashion, just keep the thing mechanically tip top and don't worry about the rest.

  26. #26
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    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    sounds to me like you probably need a motorbike :)

  27. #27
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    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    Quote Originally Posted by ryanb741
    Someone asked about why I had a Skyline if I don't like driving. I was actually given one as a wedding present. In terms of my age I am 33 so I can't even claim old age :-(
    That was me, I didn't consider it could have been a gift, at least its better that a bloody breadlmaker or a set of serving spoons.

  28. #28

    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    When I was in my early twenties, I would go out after midnight just to go for a drive. Open the sunroof, put on some Springsteen and drive around on some empty roads for a couple of hours.

    I haven't done that in years though. I still love cars, but living in London (like the OP) most driving tends to be frustrating rather than rewarding. If I lived somewhere where the roads were clearer, I would probably drive more. The key here (I think) is that our crowded roads aren't conducive to driving enjoyment.

  29. #29

    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    Quote Originally Posted by ryanb741
    Okay okay so I get the point of cars as a mode of transport. What I mean is I really don't get why people enjoy the act of actually driving a car.

    I used to own a R34 Nissan Skyline and have driven Mitsubishi Lancers, Porsche 911 and so on, but if I'm honest I'm just left feeling flat all the time and if anything the increased engine noise I find irritating. I just can't see what the fun is of it at all. I even overheard someone in the office yesterday who said he was planning to take his Maserati out this weekend 'for a drive'. So he had no intention of actually using it to transport him from A to B - he was going to drive the car simply for the sake of driving it! I can't think of a bigger waste of money than that.

    So educate me please. Is there something wrong with me as I certainly seem to be in a minority with this view? So what is it about the actual act of driving that is fun? I'm not talking about driving on a track - I've done that before and it's a hoot because of the competitive element of beating other people, but I'm talking about the simple act of manipulating 3 pedals, a gearstick and a steering wheel. What makes this such a blast?

    Don't like driving?!! :shock:

    It's OK, there is always......

    :D :D :D

    On a serious note, if it needs explaining then driving just probably isn't your thing. I love all aspects of driving even though my current drive is a 71bhp SMART! I think it is something you develop when you are younger and hone over the years. For me, a perfect drive over some twisty roads that I know well (keeping within speed limits too!) is just a buzz! I don't think it is all about speed (as my car struggles to hit 60!) more about stringing together the corners with the perfect lines etc.

    I must say that driving on the road has become less enjoyable with increases in traffic volume but there are still some great roads to be driven!

  30. #30
    Grand Master Mrcrowley's Avatar
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    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    I used to enjoy driving. When i had my 'do' that stopped me, if i'd had a ton of money to get a vehicle big enough to drive from my chair, would have got straight back to it. But i didnt, so that was it.


  31. #31
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    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    Quote Originally Posted by abooth2909
    my current drive is a 71bhp SMART

    there are still some great roads to be driven!
    You drive that on ROADS?


  32. #32
    Grand Master Glamdring's Avatar
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    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    Judging from what I've heard of its suspension a back support is required... :wink:

  33. #33
    Grand Master Rod's Avatar
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    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    My driving career started in the Police through to advanced and on to Road Traffic. I've loved every minute of it dealing with all sorts of incidents.
    Nowadays however, I have noticed quite a decline in driving standards - it seems to me a 'me me me' with the way people drive and lack of consideration. For me driving is a lot more 'defensive' now but there are times on a good country winding road I like to ' turn it on' so to speak & speed up (safely) occasionally I might do some 'commentary' driving - it sharpens up your senses :)
    Things that bug me are potholes, lack of use of indicators, driving too close, mobile phone use, and drivers talking to other passengers whilst not looking ahead.
    I do understand the OP's feelings though :!: .


  34. #34
    Grand Master Griswold's Avatar
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    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    Depends where, what and when I'm driving.

    Where we used to live there were miles of open country lanes and I used to own an old MG. I got immense pleasure driving round these roads quickly, but not stupidly. Staying on my side of the road around corners because I could, (I used to laugh at the guys I sometimes saw who, stupidly, went over to the other side of the road a-la F1 style coming up to a corner, because they couldn't - yes, even in beamers and porkers). :lol:

    I also used to love coming back from a Sea Trout fishing session at 3 in the morning. Even the motorway part of those journeys was a pleasure, even in my Landrover.

    Now where I live my driving is mostly in traffic and, due to the stupidity of local councillors who allow roadworks to be undertaken simultaneously on all arterial roads in the area causing major congestion, it's a royal pain in the ass. Yesterday,to visit my elderly Father who was ill, it took me just short of an hour to do a journey that would normally take around 20 minutes!!!! :twisted:

    Sadly, the MG is long gone as are the Landrovers. My BMW, (5 Series M Sport), is quicker, but no where near as much fun as the MG or as comfortable as the Landy :( So I'm not enjoying my driving anywhere near as much as I used to. :cry: But I do enjoy the freedom it gives me. :D
    Best Regards - Peter

    I'd hate to be with you when you're on your own.

  35. #35
    Master Thewatchbloke's Avatar
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    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    I don't enjoy the hour long drive each way to work and back. It's just wasted time to me. However in the right car I love driving just for the sake of driving. Unfortunately I don't have the cars to do so anymore, once the kids started getting older I migrated to an MPV. That's enough to kill any ambition to go out for a spin!

  36. #36

    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    Hustling a well set up bike along a country road with blue skies and little traffic is very liberating 8) .

    The commute to work in a car is a grind - a bit more fun on the scooter - but being captain defensive all the time can be a bit wearing (the let me just get home in one piece mentality :| )

  37. #37
    Master Mr Stoat's Avatar
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    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    I used to really enjoy driving but maybe I'm getting old or I'm more perceptive but things spoiling it for me now are :

    Watching out for pot holes the size of moon craters.
    Watching out for speed cameras (I don't generally speed but you've only got to be a few mph over these days).
    Watching out for planks that don't indicate / pull out in front of you / are generally selfish on the road.
    Even average cars these days are so fast with great traction / abs / stability control but the roads are still the same - so you never get a chance to drive anywhere near your, or the cars, limits (I've never understood why you'd want to take a 911 etc for blast in the UK, given the speed limits and congestion you'd never get close enjoying the full experience the car could offer IMO - and if you do get an open road there'll be a camera on it somewhere).

    As sad as this may sound the best fun I've had driving recently was in a Fiat Punto 1.2 (hire car) on the snow covered roads round Ashdown Forest in Sussex - car on the edge of what it could achieve, roads quiet as it was snowing, and me enjoying several brown trouser moments whilst doing 40mph :D

  38. #38
    Master Grandiloquence's Avatar
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    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    I never really enjoyed driving. Too much traffic, the expense is getting worse and there are too many nutters trying to get to places too fast. Only last week I was driving down a dual carriageway (at the 50mph limit) when a car full of lads came steaming up at 70ish and decided to undertake me - cutting between a van in their lane (which I had just switched lanes to overtake) and my car, missing us both by a very small margin. That sort of thing puts me off driving.

  39. #39

    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    I used to drive for the sake of it when I passed my test and for a few years after that.
    Nowadays I cant see the point.
    I got a 50cc scooter a while ago and that is far more fun than any car I have had and at about £5 to fill it up and a couple of hundred miles out of that far more economical.
    I wouldnt call mself a biker by any means but it does seem that bike riders tend to go out "for the sake of it" more than car drivers.

  40. #40

    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    Driving is rarely pleasurable nowadays for me in the UK, abroad is a bit better - but biking here or there always wins hands down! :thumbup:

    The purchase of the TVR is intended to put some of the fun back into four wheels: I think modern cars are a contributory factor to my lack of enthusiasm for driving nowadays, so having a 'back-to-basics' vehicle that requires driving - as opposed to just guiding - will hopefully restore some of my car 'mojo'.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rod
    .... occasionally I might do some 'commentary' driving - it sharpens up your senses :)
    If ever I find my self daydreaming on the bike I open it up and do a few commentary miles to re-focus. Works a treat. :wink:

    Ignorance breeds Fear. Fear breeds Hatred. Hatred breeds Ignorance. Break the chain.

  41. #41
    Grand Master magirus's Avatar
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    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    I used to drive professionally, blue lights, up to 26 tons. Dislike driving now for most of the previously stated reasons. I find it a completely boring but necessary chore.

  42. #42
    Master Inspector71's Avatar
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    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    Quote Originally Posted by magirus
    I find it a completely boring but necessary chore.
    Similar here. Used to enjoy it when younger. A few years in jobs with big commuting miles and it sort of ground me down. Now it's big automatic Volvos with cruise and a good stereo all the way. Might as well be comfortable while I put up with it...

  43. #43
    Grand Master Glamdring's Avatar
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    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    Pass me one of your auto Volvos. I'll enjoy it for you. :)

  44. #44
    Administrator swanbourne's Avatar
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    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    I enjoyed driving before speed cameras and the constant road congestion, it's rarely fun these days. The most fun I've had driving recently is when we had the snow before Christmas and I took the X90 out on almost empty roads, now that WAS fun.

    Whole chunks of my life come under the heading "it seemed like a good idea at the time".

  45. #45
    Join Date
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    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    I bought a brand new Vespa GTV 125 (cue laughter) in 2007 and have done 12000 kms on it, none of which was necessary.

    I just enjoy the freedom and (even on a 125!) the thrill of it.


  46. #46
    Grand Master
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    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    Nothing wrong with you I hate driving too and I do it for a living driving artics,so for me it is the dickheads that go slow,then you try! to overtake they then decide to speed up leaving you in the middle lane,the drivers that put on and leave on fog lamps in drizzle,the drivers that cut you up but if I do it I get the abuse,they can speed up and fuck off laughing!the list goes on and on and!,the general bad behaviour overall by car drivers is shite,no one will give way to anyone,Yes it sure is a breeze out there on the roads and really nice to do nothing more than a few hours on the open roads to unwind....NOT why any kid wants to learn to drive is beyond me with all the above without going into the costs involved :shock: .

  47. #47

    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    I suppose if you on the road for a living then I wouldn't be interested in getting back in the car for fun.

    Horses for courses?



  48. #48
    Master PipPip's Avatar
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    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    I don't drive much these days as I get the train to work and share a boring car with my wife, who uses it for ferrying kids to school. However, every now and then just for the hell of it I rent a decent car and drive from Paris to visit our office in Kent, taking Eurotunnel instead of taking the Eurostar. I love the French side of the trip, long fast motorway that undulates through rolling hills to Calais and the road is often very quiet, but the UK side - not so great. South east England is far too congested.

  49. #49
    Grand Master Glamdring's Avatar
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    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    Quote Originally Posted by PipPip
    I don't drive much these days as I get the train to work and share a boring car with my wife, who uses it for ferrying kids to school. However, every now and then just for the hell of it I rent a decent car and drive from Paris to visit our office in Kent, taking Eurotunnel instead of taking the Eurostar. I love the French side of the trip, long fast motorway that undulates through rolling hills to Calais and the road is often very quiet, but the UK side - not so great. South east England is far too congested.
    We here up north send most of our unwanteds down there. ;)

  50. #50

    Re: Driving - Just don't get it. What's wrong with me?

    Having owned and driven some decently fast cars in the past, (tuned VW GTI's, twin-cam Honda Vtec's and a Caterham) and having the opportunity to use a selection of challenging B-roads with good sight-lines to get to and from various work locations for many years I could always find enjoyment in driving. Even if a journey was spoiled by traffic, there would be a good chance that the following day would be quiet.

    I changed job within the Bank (yes, ok, I know), and moved into the world of 200+ miles per day driving. Mainly motorways and congested A-roads, company car. So the tax implications governed the choice of car, and thus far I've gone through a 1.6 Honda Civic: full leather, climate control, heated seats etc and in many ways a nice place to be if you're trudging up and down motorways in the company of thousands of others and on a fixed (low) mileage reimbursement. Four years later and its' replacement was a diesel Honda Accord, which was nothing less than perfect. Another four years and a change of car scheme and it's now a diesel Focus. Such is life. At least I can achieve around 50mpg and it handles well.

    But over time the traffic has increased and congestion is now a way of life. The roads themselves have deteriorated, a situation which will only become worse as local authorities won't have money available for repairs. Speed cameras are everywhere, so I have a Road Angel Professional to give me a sporting chance. Driving standards have deteriorated. Selfish, inconsiderate behaviour is commonplace. A combination of these factors makes driving in England a chore. And it's usually bloody raining. The only way to derive pleasure from driving these days is to pick a time when the roads are lightly trafficked. So I either get up very early, and just go out and drive for the sake of it, or I don't bother any more.


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