Quote Originally Posted by horrovac
Quote Originally Posted by RobM
Quote Originally Posted by horrovac
I seem to have quit smoking.
You make it sound like an accident.
Kinda was. I noticed that I was going through packet and a half a day and felt annoyed. So I thought, right, it can't be that I want to smoke all those cigarettes, in fact I feel nauseous a lot of the time for doing so. It annoyed me, and I decided to not smoke the ones I smoked unintentionally as it were, and smoke only those I wanted to. Turned out those I wanted were few and were becoming scarcer, so last week they were dropping, I think it went 11, 9, 7, 7, 3, 3, 2, 3... Wednesday I did not smoke at all, Thursday one (to test myself), yesterday and today none again. Surprisingly, I don't care at all - I had smoked every day for at least the past 25 years, now I don't and couldn't care less. So yes, it seems I quit, quite accidentally.
I gave up 6 years ago after 25 years of smoking, and, like you, I found it really easy. I was amazed, but I think I'd just got to the point where I didn't like it any more, it made me feel ill, and I'd had enough. Good luck with it, you will feel much better for giving up (takes a while, but eventually you'll feel a whole lot better, will be able to breath properly, and taste food).