Imho absolutely crucial point made by raysablade viz. the minute hand not too short, and going through to a small degree, the minute-markers; this makes for excellent legibility characteristics.

Yes, the Orfina, Stockport, is anti-mag, though the model if I recall right, which is more similar in looks to the above, has no A/m.

That is a good question regarding mag-ing it up. :) -would liek to know, too.

In WWII the FAA were allowed springbars, and indeed some commonwealth issue watche sfor the mil. selecteed springbars. so, froma traditionalist perspective, sprinbars are not a 'compromise, as such, noenethless, fixed lugs were more common.


Pottinger :)

Eddie has sooo many questions...apologies. You must sleep, too! :)