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Thread: Dogs & Cats

  1. #1
    Grand Master learningtofly's Avatar
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    Dogs & Cats

  2. #2

    Re: Dogs & Cats

    Diary of a dog owner:

    Got home to my family, dog greeted me. I love my dog, I love my family. I love my life.

    Diary of a cat owner:

    Got home, microwaved my dine in for 1 meal. Cat came back in about 2130 with a dead frog. Dressed the cat up like a little human, imagined it was human and made a little role play with it. My cat is my life.
    "Bite my shiny metal ass."
    - Bender Bending Rodríguez

  3. #3
    Grand Master learningtofly's Avatar
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    Re: Dogs & Cats

    Quote Originally Posted by stooo
    Diary of a dog owner:

    Got home to my family, dog greeted me. I love my dog, I love my family. I love my life.

    Diary of a cat owner:

    Got home, microwaved my dine in for 1 meal. Cat came back in about 2130 with a dead frog. Dressed the cat up like a little human, imagined it was human and made a little role play with it. My cat is my life.
    Well, we have 2 cats and you're a little off the mark there ;)

  4. #4

    Re: Dogs & Cats

    Very good, although most of the cats I've met have been experts at deploying the 'allergy' weapon most effectively...

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Re: Dogs & Cats

    I liked that - nice one !

  6. #6

    Re: Dogs & Cats

    Got two dogs and two cats. The dogs we adore and dote on (even spent many sleepless night in the front room waiting for news from the vets when the eldest got peretenitus(sp?) and nearly died, and didn't even mind the £5000 vets bill for constant care over a fortnight (and two operations), but the cats are hateful little buggers! One of them is a fluffy black thing that is soooooo far above humans it's untrue and he only deigns to be stroked at bedtime... and only then if he's cold! The other one is totally demented and kills everything in sight and then brings it home.

    Rats, frogs, rabbits, seagulls! Yes, she brought home a fully grown seagull and dragged it through the porch window and deposited it in the kitchen - what a bloody (literally :shock: ) mess.

    People that just have (and adore) cats scare me: they are all fekkin' mental :shock: I've known a few women with cats and they are really creepy with the bloody things - give me a waggy tailed human any day.

  7. #7
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    Re: Dogs & Cats

    Quote Originally Posted by stooo
    Diary of a dog owner:

    Got home to my family, dog greeted me. I love my dog, I love my family. I love my life.

    Diary of a cat owner:

    Got home, microwaved my dine in for 1 meal. Cat came back in about 2130 with a dead frog. Dressed the cat up like a little human, imagined it was human and made a little role play with it before it became bored, scratched my face open, and went to shit in my new shoes. My cat is my life.

  8. #8
    Administrator swanbourne's Avatar
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    Re: Dogs & Cats

    We've had cats (note I didn't say owned cats) for more than 30 years. One morning I was rushing to leave for a long drive to attend a meeting. I opened my briefcase whilst I collected the papers I needed for the meeting and then zoomed off. When I arrived at the meeting and opened my briefcase, I discovered that the cat had mistaken my open briefcase for a litter tray AND SHIT IN IT!

    Whole chunks of my life come under the heading "it seemed like a good idea at the time".

  9. #9
    Master BSB's Avatar
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    Re: Dogs & Cats

    Quote Originally Posted by swanbourne
    We've had cats (note I didn't say owned cats) for more than 30 years. One morning I was rushing to leave for a long drive to attend a meeting. I opened my briefcase whilst I collected the papers I needed for the meeting and then zoomed off. When I arrived at the meeting and opened my briefcase, I discovered that the cat had mistaken my open briefcase for a litter tray AND SHIT IN IT!

    :D :lol: Now that's comedy!

  10. #10
    Grand Master Neil.C's Avatar
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    Re: Dogs & Cats

    Quote Originally Posted by stooo
    Diary of a dog owner:

    Got home to my family, dog greeted me. I love my dog, I love my family. I love my life.

    Diary of a cat owner:

    Got home, microwaved my dine in for 1 meal. Cat came back in about 2130 with a dead frog. Dressed the cat up like a little human, imagined it was human and made a little role play with it. My cat is my life.
    This is of course completely true. :)

    Fair play to cats though, they will always take the time to shit in your brief case. :lol:

  11. #11
    Grand Master jwg663's Avatar
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    Re: Dogs & Cats

    "Dogs have masters, cats have servants." :wink:


  12. #12

    Re: Dogs & Cats

    couple of years ago on return from a diving trip, all gear dumped in the hall, couple of days later started cleaning up - noticed some "grass" sticking out of a snorkel - turned out to be a mouse chased up by one of the cats that live with us......mouse died snorkel dumped in bin.

  13. #13
    Grand Master Christian's Avatar
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    Re: Dogs & Cats

  14. #14

    Dogs & Cats

    Quote Originally Posted by Christian
    PMSL. Sums it up really.
    "Bite my shiny metal ass."
    - Bender Bending Rodríguez

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Re: Dogs & Cats

    We had a dog and a cat had us! :roll:


  16. #16

    Dogs & Cats

    Used to have dogs, bloody high maintenance compared to cats. When I see people out taking their dog for a walk 15 times a day and picking up its crap in a plastic bag it reminds me why I don't want another dog. We have two cats now, one was raised by a family with a dog and he behaves like a dog, a real big softie. The other one, a female and small and cunning, seems to sit in ambush like a sniper, she waits until I leave the garage door open the runs in and takes a piss somewhere. usually the power tools cop for it - wonder what would happen if I left em plugged in? ;-)

    The good thing about them though is we can go away for a weekend, leave them a load of food and a litter tray and they look after themselves.

  17. #17
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    Re: Dogs & Cats

    Every animal has its own personality, so even a typical 'cat person' can be very fond of a particular dog, or the other way around. Dogs need masters to tell them their position in the pack, cats don't, they are only their own masters (although to some extent you can teach them that some things are allowed and others are not, especially if you start young - our cats have learned that computer keyboards are off limits for instance).
    I think that dogs are, generally, more potentially dangerous to a human than cats (not counting the really big ones that is). Not many people in history have been ripped apart by a cat. You don't go walking with a cat to feel protected the way you would with a dog (again, unless you have a tame cheetah)...
    Then of course there is the fact that cats are generally cleaner than dogs and can take care of themselves provided they have food and a litter box (and/or a cat flap if they habitually go out to tend to their needs). But in the end, you like an individual animal, not its entire species.

  18. #18
    Grand Master GraniteQuarry's Avatar
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    Re: Dogs & Cats

    Dogs - superb, friend of man.

    Cats - f**king rsoles, hate 'em!

  19. #19

    Re: Dogs & Cats

    We've looked after cats for years; low maintenance, use them to keep the mice and rats down in the locality ( live deep in the country).

    We've just bought a puppy, for more than the lifetime acquisition and food cost of a cat. The support requirements for the first six months are astonishing, but we're up for the challenge. But it does look like a whole new world!

  20. #20
    Grand Master VDG's Avatar
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    Re: Dogs & Cats

    Hehe so true :)
    Fas est ab hoste doceri

  21. #21
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    Re: Dogs & Cats

    Had 2 cats up until very recently, both brothers, they have owned us for the last 12 years :lol: came down 4 weeks ago and found 1 of them dead, massive heart attack apparently absolutely gutting. It is like losing a close friend/relative. The remaining cat seems to always be looking for his brother, the trials and tribulations of pet ownership.

    Cats are awesome though!

  22. #22
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    Re: Dogs & Cats

    I don't understand why people keep dogs. They're not loyal & friendly, they're stupid & needy. They're the pet equivalent of a battered wife.

    Yes, dogs can be trained, but it's not because they're clever. Training a dog involves showing it what to do to get food. Cats can't be trained because they don't want to be trained; they can find their own dinner if you stop feeding them.

    Both of my cats are very friendly, as are the ones we've had in the past, and we don't feel the need to dress them up. In fact, stoo, I think you'll find dressing up is far more common with dogs.

  23. #23
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    Re: Dogs & Cats

    I split up with an ex because of cats.

    It went a bit like this:

    "should we live together?"
    "I have a dog, you have cats"
    "well you've only had the dog for a year, you could rehome her?"
    "you've got your ex girlfriends cats, you could give them back."
    "no because Steven is allergic" (Steven being the exes now husband)
    "so I have to get rid of bette so that steeeeeeeeven doesn't have to take a piriton in the morning?"
    "oh come on, its not like she'd last long at a shelter, people like small dogs, just think of how happy we'd be waking up together every morning"
    "get out."

    True story.

  24. #24

    Dogs & Cats

    Cats are like dole dossers, on the take and giving nothing in return.

    "they fend for themselves" == I let them crap in my neighbours property and am ok with that.
    "Bite my shiny metal ass."
    - Bender Bending Rodríguez

  25. #25
    Grand Master learningtofly's Avatar
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    Re: Dogs & Cats

    Some of you guys have issues. Why do you think I'm always so calm?

  26. #26
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    Re: Dogs & Cats

    Quote Originally Posted by learningtofly
    Some of you guys have issues. Why do you think I'm always so calm?
    Because you're quite clearly the root of everyone else's problems.. Cat worshipping devil spawn.
    :blackeye: :wink:

  27. #27
    Grand Master Glamdring's Avatar
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    Re: Dogs & Cats

    Quote Originally Posted by verv
    I split up with an ex because of cats.

    It went a bit like this:

    "should we live together?"
    "I have a dog, you have cats"
    "well you've only had the dog for a year, you could rehome her?"
    "you've got your ex girlfriends cats, you could give them back."
    "no because Steven is allergic" (Steven being the exes now husband)
    "so I have to get rid of bette so that steeeeeeeeven doesn't have to take a piriton in the morning?"
    "oh come on, its not like she'd last long at a shelter, people like small dogs, just think of how happy we'd be waking up together every morning"
    "get out."

    True story.
    Sympathies though I'd surmise it wasn't really the pets that split you, they were the excuse...

    I've had four cats over the last 30 years. My first I got when he was nine months. He was utterly loyal to me and would come for walks with me. Bit of a killer mind, when he went out at night.
    The second I got when she was two years old. She and I shared a house until she died aged 11.
    Three and four were kittens I picked out of a box in a garden centre. Totally mine; didn't like anyone else and hated if I had visitors. Both died over the last three years.

    I love cats and I'd have more but with my own health being iffy it's not practicable.

  28. #28
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    Re: Dogs & Cats

    no it was a lot of things.. id only been seeing him for about 8 weeks so cohabiting just wasnt on the cards. particularly after he thought id willingly bin my dog to do it.. eejit.

  29. #29
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    Re: Dogs & Cats

    Quote Originally Posted by stooo
    Cats are like dole dossers, on the take and giving nothing in return.

    "they fend for themselves" == I let them crap in my neighbours property and am ok with that.
    Exactly what is it that dogs do in return for you housing and feeding them? Bring your sticks back? :D

    Cats might 'do a whoopsie' (in the words of the late Frank Spencer) in the neighbour's garden, but they do it in a discrete place and cover it up, which means you don't have to follow them round with a carrier bag and pick up their fresh, hot faeces and take it home with you.

  30. #30
    Master Henrik Gelardi's Avatar
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    Re: Dogs & Cats

    Love it, despite my strong love for dogs.... Funny as hell... :)

  31. #31
    Grand Master Glamdring's Avatar
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    Re: Dogs & Cats

    Mine always used my own flowerbeds. I brung them up polite, like.

  32. #32
    Master Harry Tuttle's Avatar
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    Re: Dogs & Cats

    A cat moved into my bedroom once - didn't ask just turned up and got iffy when I suggested that he might like to get off the bed. So we achieved a compromise - I let him stay and he stopped clawing and biting me - mostly.

    I called him Dennis (the most ludicrous name I could think of) and he didn't seem to object.

    He used to drive me crazy by staring at the radiator and being very choosy about which door he used when he deigned to enter or leave the building. Bearing in mind that we're vegetarian he would leave piles of mice corpses on the front doorstep that sickened the postman. I'd also like to point out that I'm allergic to cats. We used to apologise in advance to the cattery for his behaviour (the vet used to have to wear gauntlets and he'd draw blood from us on a regular basis) and we'd pick him up and apologise again and they'd say "Dennis, oh he's a lovely cat, we enjoy having him, he's no trouble at all."

    After he'd moved in for about 3 years he disappeared. We took on another cat who'd moved into someone's garage - big fella about the size of a terrier, so of course he was a coward and lived under the bed and had to be taken out to do his business under personal supervision.

    At that point Dennis moved out. After a lot of looking around the local neighbourhood, I found him about two streets down the hill at about one in the morning and worried that he was starving enticed him up to our place for some cat spam after which he'd sod off. After about a month of this I met him one night and an old bloke toddled up. The cat sat between us looking at the old bloke and then me. So I said to the old bloke, "do you see him often? He used to live with us and and we're a bit worried about him." So he says looking at the cat, "what Bonfield? Oh yes he lives with me. He's a lovely cat, the Grandchildren love him."

    "What? He's been living with us. Didn't you miss him when we put him in kennels for weeks at a time?"

    "Oh well," he says (and here's the killer), "he's very independent."

    Now dogs on the other hand, sensible and reliable. I once achieved the position of alpha male in a pack of bitches, but that's another story...

  33. #33
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    Re: Dogs & Cats

    Quote Originally Posted by stooo
    Cats are like dole dossers, on the take and giving nothing in return.

    "they fend for themselves" == I let them crap in my neighbours property and am ok with that.
    I wouldn,t really mind if your moggie shit all over my property,but one of my kerryblues may do and if one them deciedes to rip your moggie a new arsehole ,Then hey i,m ok with that.

  34. #34
    Grand Master learningtofly's Avatar
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    Re: Dogs & Cats

    Amazing how the dog owners on this thread are generally being either offensive or aggressive... quite a contrast.

  35. #35
    Grand Master Neil.C's Avatar
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    Re: Dogs & Cats

    Quote Originally Posted by RobinMasters
    Quote Originally Posted by stooo
    Cats are like dole dossers, on the take and giving nothing in return.

    "they fend for themselves" == I let them crap in my neighbours property and am ok with that.
    Exactly what is it that dogs do in return for you housing and feeding them? Bring your sticks back? :D
    They will guard your house. :)

    Very important in this day and age.

    Burglars aren't generally too frightened of cats.

  36. #36
    Master Henrik Gelardi's Avatar
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    Re: Dogs & Cats

    Quote Originally Posted by learningtofly
    Amazing how the dog owners on this thread are generally being either offensive or aggressive... quite a contrast.
    Not all, Tony, not all... :)

    But I suppose, you have to remember that your original post was ridiculing dogs, not cats :D That could be part of the explanation :D

  37. #37
    Grand Master learningtofly's Avatar
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    Re: Dogs & Cats

    Quote Originally Posted by Henrik Gelardi
    Quote Originally Posted by learningtofly
    Amazing how the dog owners on this thread are generally being either offensive or aggressive... quite a contrast.
    Not all, Tony, not all... :)

    But I suppose, you have to remember that your original post was ridiculing dogs, not cats :D That could be part of the explanation :D
    I thought the opposite actually, Henrik, and I've kept cats (and the odd dog) all my life. I'd still like a dog, too, but I fear that it would be pandemonium.

  38. #38

    Dogs & Cats

    Not sure if this is true of all dog homes, but me and my good lady are house sitting for a couple of days at the mother in laws place where she has a springer spaniel. Not only is the dog thicker than pigshit mixed with concrete, the whole house (even places where the dog is not allowed) just seems to have dog hairs everywhere. Every time you pull a plate or a mug from the cupboard it's got dog hairs on it. Put your clothes down anywhere and they're covered in doghair. Of course they then get transferred via your clothes into the car so I'll have to hoover that out as well. We've cleaned the place and within a day it's back to how it was. I could not live like this. Is it the same for all dogs or is it just this particular likeable but slightly dim breed of dog?

    My dad says Labradors are born half trained...and springers die half trained...!

  39. #39
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    Re: Dogs & Cats

    Quote Originally Posted by Neil.C
    Quote Originally Posted by RobinMasters
    Quote Originally Posted by stooo
    Cats are like dole dossers, on the take and giving nothing in return.

    "they fend for themselves" == I let them crap in my neighbours property and am ok with that.
    Exactly what is it that dogs do in return for you housing and feeding them? Bring your sticks back? :D
    They will guard your house. :)

    Very important in this day and age.

    Burglars aren't generally too frightened of cats.
    mine guards exceedingly well against post.. duffs it up the minute it comes through the door, all vicious and brave.

    human intruders though.. straight on her back with her feet in the air like a tart.

  40. #40
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    Re: Dogs & Cats

    We have cats, grew up with 3 Border Collies, our boys love our Tonkinese cats as they are very calm and affectionate.

    The Far Side got it right with these two:

  41. #41

    Re: Dogs & Cats

    I love dogs but haven't had one as a pet since I moved out from my parent's home.

    We've had 3 cats.

    The first was a very affectionate male who unfortunately got run over at 8 months.

    The second was pure evil & hung around until she was bloody 19 years old just out of spite. She even bit the vet as he was trying to put her down - it took 2 injections!

    Our current cat is lovely. I'd rather have a dog though & will when I retire and have more time.

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  42. #42
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    Re: Dogs & Cats

    Diary of a CAT owner

    let it out to shit all over other peoples gardens, then accuse you when the cat goes missing, the old 2+2 do = 5 i would never hurt an animal intentionally. the man ranted and raved on at me for over 10 mins then went away sobbing, i guess he just wanted to get it off his chest.


  43. #43
    Master Henrik Gelardi's Avatar
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    Re: Dogs & Cats

    Quote Originally Posted by learningtofly
    Quote Originally Posted by Henrik Gelardi
    Quote Originally Posted by learningtofly
    Amazing how the dog owners on this thread are generally being either offensive or aggressive... quite a contrast.
    Not all, Tony, not all... :)

    But I suppose, you have to remember that your original post was ridiculing dogs, not cats :D That could be part of the explanation :D
    I thought the opposite actually, Henrik, and I've kept cats (and the odd dog) all my life. I'd still like a dog, too, but I fear that it would be pandemonium.
    Well, my old man did it. The trick apparently is that you get 'em at the same time. They thought they were siblings and love each other - very funny to see the a large hunting dog lying in front of the fireplace with a cat in its paws - bot sleeping :D

    Now, the dog died, and the got a new one from a shelter. There is no love between the two, but they tolerate each other. Whoever gets the place in front of the fireplace first has it, and the other only gets to watch :D :D

  44. #44
    Grand Master Neil.C's Avatar
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    Re: Dogs & Cats

    Quote Originally Posted by nr73
    Not sure if this is true of all dog homes, but me and my good lady are house sitting for a couple of days at the mother in laws place where she has a springer spaniel. Not only is the dog thicker than pigshit mixed with concrete, the whole house (even places where the dog is not allowed) just seems to have dog hairs everywhere. Every time you pull a plate or a mug from the cupboard it's got dog hairs on it. Put your clothes down anywhere and they're covered in doghair. Of course they then get transferred via your clothes into the car so I'll have to hoover that out as well. We've cleaned the place and within a day it's back to how it was. I could not live like this. Is it the same for all dogs or is it just this particular likeable but slightly dim breed of dog?
    There are hundreds of different dog breeds and many that do not shed at all (wire haired fox terriers, Airedales, Poodles etc) which are obviously great for people with allergies.

    My BT hardly lost a hair around the house but some breeds do leave a lot of hair.

    One of the things to look at when selecting a breed.

  45. #45
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    Re: Dogs & Cats

    We've got a Flat Coated Retriever and as far as protecting the house goes, the best he would do is lick someone to death!!!

  46. #46

    Re: Dogs & Cats

    Quote Originally Posted by swanbourne
    We've had cats (note I didn't say owned cats) for more than 30 years. One morning I was rushing to leave for a long drive to attend a meeting. I opened my briefcase whilst I collected the papers I needed for the meeting and then zoomed off. When I arrived at the meeting and opened my briefcase, I discovered that the cat had mistaken my open briefcase for a litter tray AND SHIT IN IT!

    Scenario: on location taking pics by a pool with a model. Model leaves her bag by my camera bag.

    Model throws some clothes into bag. Some time late model puts her hand into bag and rummages for smokes. Model emits the most ear-piercing scream and literally jumps up into the air.

    Cat slightly annoyed by the noise but soon goes back to sleep.

    I like cats: whilst I’ve always been a dog person and had little time for felines, I’ve grown to appreciate them more of late and I rather like their arrogance.

    Ignorance breeds Fear. Fear breeds Hatred. Hatred breeds Ignorance. Break the chain.

  47. #47
    Master judeep's Avatar
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    Re: Dogs & Cats

    Some great reply's and the OP's post is Soooo true! That's why I like em both for such different reasons :)

  48. #48
    Join Date
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    Re: Dogs & Cats

    I was always a dog person, untill I bought a house that needed cats (close to a river in the countryside).
    they are excllent at keeping rats mice etc away.
    my wife use to get them in to catch spiders!
    I think there great pets, clean and loving plus they are very independant so days away or holidays are not much bother
    still like dogs but have come to love the cats

  49. #49
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    Re: Dogs & Cats

    Quote Originally Posted by ralphy

    I like cats: whilst I’ve always been a dog person and had little time for felines, I’ve grown to appreciate them more of late and I rather like their arrogance.

    That made me laugh.. My dog makes a beeline for bags too, and gets a face on if she thinks she's going to be turfed out of the subsequent nest.

  50. #50
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    Re: Dogs & Cats

    Quote Originally Posted by nr73
    Used to have dogs, bloody high maintenance compared to cats. When I see people out taking their dog for a walk 15 times a day and picking up its crap in a plastic bag it reminds me why I don't want another dog. We have two cats now, one was raised by a family with a dog and he behaves like a dog, a real big softie. The other one, a female and small and cunning, seems to sit in ambush like a sniper, she waits until I leave the garage door open the runs in and takes a piss somewhere. usually the power tools cop for it - wonder what would happen if I left em plugged in? ;-)

    The good thing about them though is we can go away for a weekend, leave them a load of food and a litter tray and they look after themselves.

    Man sooo funny!

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