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Thread: Why is selling a house so damn painful?

  1. #1

    Why is selling a house so damn painful?

    Why does it take people nearly 2 weeks to decide they can't read some of the info i have scanned for them?

    Why does it takes 2 weeks to decide that my answers were not satisfactory?

    Why am I being asked the same questions 3 times? not because i haven't tried to answer them!

    Why does all the above cost me so much money?

    Why does everyone blame someone else?

    I do not have the vocabulary to explain how much i hate selling houses.

    A frustrated, angry and peed off Tom

  2. #2
    I feel your pain man

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Most of us have been there, I've been messed about with buyers and have lost quite a few grand because of them telling outright bloody lies........ and that was during the boom years !. Nowadays they really are extracting the urine.

    Your only options are to stay put, or lube up, grit your teeth and take it like a man.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Eastern England
    As we used to say in Yorkshire (when I lived there!) "There's nowt so funny as folk! There's nob'dy reet but thee an me and I'm not reet sure abaht thee!"

  5. #5
    Be grateful you can sell/buy. I just spent the last 8+ years sacrificing most of life's pleasures to try and get my foot on the ladder, finally got the not a small amount of money that is needed these days as a deposit and then sods law get bloody made redundant. Now no bank will lend me a penny towards mortgage! I have work, albiet freelance but ironically I get paid more in that guise than on staff so I have more money coming in than normal and the deposit ready go.

    Oh and what was great was when the bank refused me my mortgage they had the cheek to ask if I would like them to invest my money instead! I bet they would love to get their hands on it!!

    Seriously thinking about sinking some of the bloody deposit into a Rolex or something and going and waving it about in the bank!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Petersfield, Hampshire
    Quote Originally Posted by eduk View Post
    Be grateful you can sell/buy. I just spent the last 8+ years sacrificing most of life's pleasures to try and get my foot on the ladder, finally got the not a small amount of money that is needed these days as a deposit and then sods law get bloody made redundant. Now no bank will lend me a penny towards mortgage! I have work, albiet freelance but ironically I get paid more in that guise than on staff so I have more money coming in than normal and the deposit ready go.

    Oh and what was great was when the bank refused me my mortgage they had the cheek to ask if I would like them to invest my money instead! I bet they would love to get their hands on it!!

    Seriously thinking about sinking some of the bloody deposit into a Rolex or something and going and waving it about in the bank!
    You need a decent broker / IFA, they'll find someone who'll lend to you.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Jeremy67 View Post
    You need a decent broker / IFA, they'll find someone who'll lend to you.
    Thanks for the advice. Had a couple of people say similar things so going to re-visit the idea in the new year. Realised I can close to a thread jackig there and I do sympathise with the OP and the hassle it sounds like the selling process is.

  8. #8
    I empathise and add buying/selling a house is one of the most painful mental experiences of my life. I have always found it strange that the biggest purchases of our lives are surrounded by complete crooks/fkwits (apologies to any estate agents on here, I am sure there are one or two good ones out there somewhere). Surely market forces would push reliable and honest agents to the front. My experience suggests otherwise.

    I will also add that the English system is far from perfect, I understand the Scottich way is slightly less stressful and less open to abuse.

    Here in Singapore, it is relatively simple. As soon as a price is agreed the buyer writes a cheque for 1% of the value. Once that 1% cheque is cashed the sale is legally binding and both sides can relax. A further 4% is required within two weeks and then the rest of the purchase process takes a similar 4-6 weeks like in the UK for financing to hit accounts etc.

    All I'll say is the process might be better in Sing, but the bloody agents aren't!

  9. #9
    Grand Master
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    As a self-confessed Tight Yorkshire Git (we had nowt as kids etc etc...) I`m fairly shrewd where money's concerned.

    Many years ago I decided to sell a house myself rather than pay an estate agent. I sold the house eventually and got a fair price, but the pain I endured was not worth the money I saved. I got pissed about left, right and centre by people; an estate agent (should) deal with a lot of this hassle and in this respect they justify their fees. I would NEVER try selling a house myself again....depite my reluctance to part wi't brass unnecesarily!

    House buying /selling is stressful, don`t believe otherwise. Unfortunately it's unlikely to improve; I think it brings the worst out in some people.


  10. #10

    Why is selling a house so damn painful?

    Ha! We should be able to buy and sell houses like anything else. Check the price tag, come up with the cash, transact. How hard can it be?

  11. #11
    Grand Master
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    UP North.
    Quote Originally Posted by tommyboy View Post
    Why does it take people nearly 2 weeks to decide they can't read some of the info i have scanned for them?

    Why does it takes 2 weeks to decide that my answers were not satisfactory?

    Why am I being asked the same questions 3 times? not because i haven't tried to answer them!

    Why does all the above cost me so much money?

    Why does everyone blame someone else?

    I do not have the vocabulary to explain how much i hate selling houses.

    A frustrated, angry and peed off Tom
    As with most solicitors and other people in the legal industry,to drag it out for as long as possible to help pay the mortgage on their own home.You would think after all the years doing the job they would now know all the shortcuts to have it done in quick time now wouldn't you,but maybe I'm being cynical when I think it's only the money they want to bleed you dry off.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    The most mental pain and anguish possible is trying to sell a house.

    Estate Agents keep trying to push more buyers/sellers so confusing matters, and Conveyancing Solicitors just keep it going for as long as possible, charge large amounts for 'Searches' which take moments down at the land registry. And not forgetting buyers who have probably put offers on 3 houses and then try to extract the best deal possible.

    I have always said there should be a 0.5% from both parties, put into escrow to prove commitment, and if either party sellers reneges on the deal they lose it.

    Good luck.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by P9CLY View Post
    As with most solicitors and other people in the legal industry,to drag it out for as long as possible to help pay the mortgage on their own home.You would think after all the years doing the job they would now know all the shortcuts to have it done in quick time now wouldn't you,but maybe I'm being cynical when I think it's only the money they want to bleed you dry off.
    Cynical or Honest..... went through this this time last year all three yes a huge three people in the chain and we managed to move in 5 days before Christmas.....Got hold of all the people in the chains numbers and spoke to them and got it sorted out, when the solicitors told us we could not do it. Solicitor got the hump that I was talking to everyone and could tell her to pull her chubby finger out. After completion rang a partner there to ask for discount as by my reckoning I had done at least 30% of the work for her, while she was at her Christmas do. She did not want to complete on the day that was agreed as she had three others to do already tough luck, they forget who is the customer.

    Short answer speak to the people directly and just tell lawyers and estate agents what happening rather than them managing it to their agenda

  14. #14
    I sympathise entirely. Having moved this year, I find myself losing my cool at least twice a month. I thought once we were in the new house it would all settle, but even just replacing a broken sink turns into a saga of broken promises, dodgy workers, etc. Every single thing regarding the sale/purchase/renovation has taken at least twice as long as it was advertised/promised, and half of the things have had to be redone. It really made me lose any confidence in the "system" and the people pretending to be running it. It is now a genuine surprise when something actually goes as expected.

    Just try to remember, when shit is going wrong, life is too short and this too shall pass. Good luck.


  15. #15
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    not to mention the value of stamp duty...
    Sorry I'm not helping, I feel your pain

  16. #16
    Grand Master Rod's Avatar
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    I sold a house last July - are people thick or what? I was on a day out with Liz recently and the new owner rang the estate agent to see if they could ask me how to switch the shower on . There was two pull cords one for the light and one for the shower!!!


  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Eastern England
    Way back when, during the boom, it took six weeks approximately for the legal eagles to do their job. Now there's not a lot selling as we all know and ................................................. it's still taking around six weeks!

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    The Lake District.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rod View Post
    I sold a house last July - are people thick or what? I was on a day out with Liz recently and the new owner rang the estate agent to see if they could ask me how to switch the shower on . There was two pull cords one for the light and one for the shower!!!

    That's mental

    I'm trying to sell at the mo, and with the Mrs preggers its a bit of a mill stone at the moment.

  19. #19
    Craftsman lacroix4's Avatar
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    Need another blood pressure tablet after reading this post,my fault!

    I cannot express clearly my complete disdain for the parties involved agents/banks and solicitors.

    After filling out a hundred sheets of stupid questions they come back on the day of completion with another batch of questions!

    Thank god I/we are settled and only a big lottery win would make me go thru that process again.

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