Quote Originally Posted by swanbourne View Post
I've spoken with Virgin Giving and here's how it works.

Create an account and select up to 5 charities as beneficiaries.
Only charities registered with them can be selected.
You can enter the percentage of funds each charity will receive.
Once selected, you can't change the charities although you can close the page and set up another page with different charities.
Funds are distributed each week.
UK contributors can tick the box for a Gift Aid qualifying payment, overseas contributors should not check the box.
Overseas contributors should leave the postcode box blank (anything other than a UK postcode won't go through).
Payment by credit & debit card or PayPal.

All we need to do now is select 5 charities (let the fighting begin ;-) ).

That's great. I really don't mind a rotation of worthwhile causes. I accept that some charities will always be off the list for some people for good and/or personal reasons but I think that is inevitable. In my provisional list I tried to represent a broad range of UK charities helping people (rather than animals) and I think that is a principal I'd like to stick to. I also accept that there are many, many smaller local charities who are in great need of funds and for whom our combined donations could make a significant difference. I'd happily donate to, for example, local hospices.