Quote Originally Posted by cornish View Post
there is no pressure. just an awareness. but if you can afford an an a.lang sohne or a glashutte-original even a rolex or omega, then such a nominal amount isn't exactly going to hurt, is it? no pressure to donate, but the embarrassment of not having your name on the page is sufficient enough to tell everyone that however much you value your nice watch collection, you don't really give a toss about about people that have fallen victim to child abuse or people that are suffering cancer and the support that some of these charities give to the cancer families or rehoming children in caring families that wish to give a child the best start in life they could hope for.

no pressure. but awareness of what you can save on a discount and passing some of that on in good will, or realising you have an astonishlingly envious collection of watches and not giving a little to worth y causes....... yeah no pressure. i don't have a lot, but can still give to the less well off in society. i'm just not a selfish self-centered a-hole.
While I may have some sympathy with the sentiment (being regarded on TZ as one of the pinko-leftie brigade), I think that is a bit strong and rather unnecessary.

Many members have been here a long time (much longer than you) and know each other to be very decent chaps. Many will already give to charities. I don't think you are required to "shame" members into giving as some kind of self-appointed forum social conscience.

Anyhow, I am happy to donate now, and will do so again. My choice.