Quote Originally Posted by The Hack View Post
...I thought it was quite good! :) Much better than 'Quantum of Solace', but not quite as good as 'Casino Royale'.
Recently re-watched Quantum... didn't like it the first time around but now I think it's the best of the Craig series. Old-school JB fun with an old-school JB villain. The second time around the fast edits weren't so distracting.

But Casino Royale now seems overly-long (and I hated the updates--one minutes it's true to the book, the next it looks like MI6 is running its operation out of the Starship Enterprise), and I hated the emphasis on M in Skyfall. Glad she was killed off; hopefully Ralph Fiennes will return to the Bernard Lee mould: sending Bond off on missions and giving him a kick up the backside halfway through as required.