Finally got round to watching Only God Forgives. It's by the same director as Drive (which I enjoyed).

This was slow, painfully pretentious nonsense that is supposed to make the viewer work a bit. Unfortunately that doesn't work unless the film actually has some sense to it.

A mess of a plot (what there is of it), strange editing and annoying shots of people's faces just staring meaninglessly for thirty seconds.

I like some arthouse stuff and I don't mind 'slow' movies at all; in fact, I actually prefer them. But this was just crap.

And if you don't like shocking violence - which I didn't necessarily object to this particular film - definitely do not consider watching it.

I really wanted to like this film. It sounded - and looked - like it was going to be right up my street. But it failed. The only thing I can give credit for is the mood lighting and cinematography.

1 out of 5 stars.