Quote Originally Posted by bitfield View Post
I don't know, Casio seem weirdly resistant to any changes in their not-particularly-optimal UI. For example, the first mode selected is often world time. It takes you another three button presses to get to the alarm. But I use the alarm a lot more often than I go abroad!
I know what you mean. The basis of the UI is quite good in my opinion but things like mode order seem to vary.

One my old CA-901, which was the first Casio watch I owned, the mode select order made sense: Main time -> stopwatch -> alarm -> dual time -> game. In some more modern cases, Casio have kept this order and in others that have altered it. I don't know why.

On my G-9000 it goes: Main time -> stopwatch 1 -> stopwatch 2 -> countdown timer -> alarm -> world time. So it's effectively the same as my old CA-901. Why two stopwatches on this model? I don't know. It all seems strangely random.

Of course, the growth of smartwatches might perhaps encourage Casio to allow the user to define their own mode select order!

Quote Originally Posted by bitfield View Post
Then you have to hold down the button for what seems like ages in order to enter setting mode. The button doesn't have any other function, so why not just press it to set?
I prefer that one Casio's way. It avoids any possible error and I like that. :-)

Quote Originally Posted by bitfield View Post
Then there's the light. On all Gs I've seen, pressing any other button immediately switches off the light. So let's say you want to time something at night. You press the light to see the display, then press MODE to select the stopwatch - but the light has turned off, so you can't see when you get to stopwatch mode. When you finally do, you turn on the light again and press START. The flipping light goes off again and you can't see the display!
Oh yes, I agree. This is a truly bizarre design decision. The light should stay on no matter what else is being done and should be configurable to stay on for longer, too.

Quote Originally Posted by RobDad View Post
I also find it odd how some really useful functions only appear on certain models. For example the 7710 has adjustable screen contrast, and you can set the hourly chime to operate between eg certain hours on weekdays only, daily alarm weekdays only etc. Shame the watch itself is not the most attractive but the functions are killer - and only appear on that model???!
Yup, this is an odd thing too. Like the two stopwatches on my G-9000. I've no idea why this model needed two concurrent, independent stopwatches and others do not.