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Thread: IMPORTANT: Change of forum ownership

  1. #201
    Grand Master Chris_in_the_UK's Avatar
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    Norf Yorks
    Quote Originally Posted by Dontblowsmoke View Post
    clear your inbox!

  2. #202
    Master Argon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Sad to hear of the change, Eddie. All the best to you and your wife, and thank you

  3. #203
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Chris_in_the_UK View Post
    clear your inbox!
    It was full of support from members afraid to post on open forum due to attack; empty now Chris..

  4. #204
    Wow. Big news. All the very best to you and your wife Eddie. The one time we had cause to communicate over anything "important" you were very understanding and acted swiftly. You've done a great job with this forum. It won't be the same without you.

  5. #205
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Eddie thanks for all the great banter here I have learned some things and have some friends becuase of this place. I wish you the best and hopefully you'll start another forum again soon.


  6. #206
    Grand Master Chris_in_the_UK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dontblowsmoke View Post
    It was full of support from members afraid to post on open forum due to attack; empty now Chris..
    Then post what I sent you, for all to see.

    But not here - as Phillip has requested.
    Last edited by Chris_in_the_UK; 11th November 2015 at 02:28.

  7. #207
    Join Date
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    Perth, Western Australia
    Many thanks for a wonderful forum Eddie, a truly unique place, and I wish you and your family all the very best.


  8. #208
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Eddie, I'd just like to add my best wishes to you and Carol - I hope she'll recover quickly.

    For the work you've put in over the years in creating this wonderful community, well you know how much we all appreciate it. It's been a blast having a sensible captain at the helm of the good ship TZ-UK!

    The silver lining is that you will now have more time to bring more exciting projects to us!

    Thanks again,


  9. #209
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    New Plymouth, New Zealand
    Looks like I picked an interesting time to sign up!
    Having "lurked" for a good few months I am obviously aware of how big a role Mr Platts played in the forum and it's undoubted success so I can only hope that it continues in the same direction.
    Best wishes to Mrs Platts for a full and speedy recovery and good luck to Eddie for the future, especially as I have my sights set on a Timefactors watch in the not too distant future.

  10. #210
    Master TimeThoughts's Avatar
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    Jan 2015
    Just to say that the sensible moderation of this forum has come second only to the quality level of products available on TimeFactors.

    I came to this forum in a quest to find good leather G10 straps and NATO type watches and Eddie's products are absolutely top notch in all respects.

    Best regards to forum moderators past, present & future.

  11. #211
    Join Date
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    GMT +9.5
    Hi Eddie,

    I can only add my sincerest thanks for making this place available to us. I've enjoyed my time here over the last few years and will continue to do so.
    Thank you for all your efforts in keeping TZ-UK ticking over.

    I wish you and your wife all the best for the future.

    Glad to know that you will still be around.


  12. #212
    Thanks Eddie for a great facility. Here's wishing you and your family wonderful things for the future. Much respect!

    I personally hope a few things do actually change but that's not for this thread.

    Welcome on board and good luck, Phillip. Get ready for the ride of your life.


  13. #213
    End of an era!

    Eddie has created something really special here. Lets hope it continues to thrive...

  14. #214
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Best of luck Eddie.

    Is tapatalk support going to be dropped in the future in favour of a verticalscope app?

  15. #215
    Join Date
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    In the green, green valleys
    Quote Originally Posted by WORKSIMON View Post
    BOOM !

    Didn't see this coming and a bit of a shock. As all have said before good luck with the next phase Eddie and I hope you and your wife enjoy a bit more me time ;-)

    Phillip, a warm welcome mate, I don't envy your task and you've got some mighty big boots to fill. Good luck and try and listen to the members where possible during the changes ahead as they are the forum after all ;-)
    I can't say what I want to in this part of the forum, you are such an ass kisser 😜😜😂

  16. #216
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Good luck Eddie and thanks for creating a fantastic forum. All the best

  17. #217
    Master TimeOut's Avatar
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    Keep the Timefactors advert, I need it to remind me how much I want a Dreadnought Voyager!

  18. #218
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheFlyingBanana View Post
    How's the latest current BP ban going for you?

    I'm sure you will still be there posting the same snide remarks as usual, the good news is that I don't expect much from you and you never disapoint me.

  19. #219
    Master watch-nut's Avatar
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    Jesus, completely understandable but none the less a bit of a shock. The work you have put in to this place has been immense, you really have created something pretty special here and you should be incredibibly proud Eddie.

    I'm sure the new team will continue to honour the values you have worked so hard to create on the forum and I hope you continue to be a regular feature of the forum going forward.

    Thanks again for such a great forum


  20. #220
    Join Date
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    West Yorkshire
    All the best Eddie. I've not been around these parts that long but have always been aware of your light-touch approach. Take care sir.

    And Philip, welcome. If you guys do cock it up don't worry, we'll just:

  21. #221
    Join Date
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    East Sussex
    I just wanted to add my thanks to Eddie for this very special forum he created. Won't be the same.

    I wish you all the best and best wishes to your wife a speedy recovery.


  22. #222
    Thanks Eddie for the great forum.
    All the best to you and your wife.


  23. #223
    Master Artistmike's Avatar
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    I'm another that's been around this forum for a very long time but haven't been a prolific poster, mainly for health reasons. Like many I knew that this day would almost certainly come but it is still a great shock and I can only wish you the very best Eddie and hope that your wife gets the best recovery possible.

    Over the years, from the beginning of watch forums on the Internet I've seen what has happened when eventually commerce has taken over from those with a real dedication to watches and those forums have turned into bleak advertisers dreams, with an attitude to moderation more reminiscent of North Korean politics which has then gone on to stifle real discussion of things horological.

    One can only hope that the future of this forum will be different and that "plus ça change, plus c’est la męme chose" will become it's motto but I have no illusions, change is an inevitability in life and now it looks as though it's time for this forum. Thanks for the ride though Eddie, you created something very special here and should be very proud indeed and again, I do wish Carol all the best ...

  24. #224
    Join Date
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    In bed
    Cheers Eddie it's been a laugh with you in charge

  25. #225
    Join Date
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    The very best of luck for the future both to you and your family ...

    Shame things have to change but fully understand your decision

  26. #226
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    That's quite a surprise. I am sorry to hear that news about your wife Eddie but would like to wish you both all the best and add a big thanks for all the work you have put in over the years. I hope the future is bright for both of you.

  27. #227
    Grand Master
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    Just a small note to say that this has been, and I hope it continues to be a great forum.
    Ive never noticed it being anti women. There's the odd "boys" joke trotted out either in jest or seriousness but a swift kick to the testicles usually sorts that out.
    I wouldn't like to see censorship turning this place into mumsnet, if we have boobs we can usually take care of ourselves just fine.
    Good luck to you Philip.

  28. #228
    Eddie, hats off to you sir, you ran an incredibly tight ship. The most enjoyable of forums ;)

    All the best to you and your Mrs, i hope she is well on the road to recovery.

    May your personal life and your business (great watches by the way) flourish.

  29. #229
    Master RABbit's Avatar
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    Wow, just logged in from Aus to see the momentous news.
    As so many others have said, it's a shock, but family (and your own) health has to come first. So, thanks to Eddie from me too for running this great forum so all these years, and all the best to you and Mrs. P.
    I've been slow-posting here for a few years now, and it's the only watch forum I now use (for the same reasons listed in many previous posts), but I do check in daily and continue to do so even after I moved from Blighty to WA. I can only echo others in saying that I hope the ethos of this place isn't changed by commercial pressures. Good luck Philip.

  30. #230
    Grand Master WORKSIMON's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gingerboy View Post
    I can't say what I want to in this part of the forum, you are such an ass kisser 
    Hey !!!!! That was the mild, toned down version, I new it was a mistake to leave the kisses off !!!


    Ralph Waldo Emerson: We ask for long life, but 'tis deep life, or noble moments that signify. Let the measure of time be spiritual, not mechanical.

  31. #231
    Join Date
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    Regarding how things will change in the future - I think unfortunately it's impossible for there not to be some kind of advertising and change to the forum. Unless Eddie is paying the other company to run the forum on his behalf, then without any other form of revenue generation, why else would they take over the forum?

    It would be interesting to have some information up front about what we could expect to see in that respect. I don't have a problem with continuing to use the forum if there are banner adverts - I accept forums need to pay for their upkeep - but it would be nice to know what's coming down the pipeline rather than surprise changes happening.


  32. #232
    Grand Master Chinnock's Avatar
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    Well done Eddie and thanks for making this forum so special for us members over the years. This site is truly unique and special because of the way it has been allowed to evolve. Priorities are important and family should always come first. However hard it has been to let go, you have made the right decision and I wish you and your nearest all the very best for the future.

    Many thanks Eddie for allowing us all to benefit from your generosity in time, money and the dedication that has made TZ-UK so very special to us all.
    Last edited by Chinnock; 11th November 2015 at 09:50.

  33. #233
    Quote Originally Posted by chicaneuk View Post
    Regarding how things will change in the future - I think unfortunately it's impossible for there not to be some kind of advertising and change to the forum. Unless Eddie is paying the other company to run the forum on his behalf, then without any other form of revenue generation, why else would they take over the forum?

    It would be interesting to have some information up front about what we could expect to see in that respect. I don't have a problem with continuing to use the forum if there are banner adverts - I accept forums need to pay for their upkeep - but it would be nice to know what's coming down the pipeline rather than surprise changes happening.

    You could have a look at some of the other forums under VS’s ownership to see how things work.

    Ignorance breeds Fear. Fear breeds Hatred. Hatred breeds Ignorance. Break the chain.

  34. #234
    Good Move Eddie - Bet you feel like you've just had a Mahoosive Dump!

    I have never before felt inclined to thank you for TZ-UK, but rather just bought plenty of your watches instead. So my interest in TimeFactors will continue and I hope your Sub Forum is maintained.

    It's been a Blast here though - Cheers.


  35. #235
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by chicaneuk View Post
    Regarding how things will change in the future - I think unfortunately it's impossible for there not to be some kind of advertising and change to the forum. Unless Eddie is paying the other company to run the forum on his behalf, then without any other form of revenue generation, why else would they take over the forum?

    It would be interesting to have some information up front about what we could expect to see in that respect. I don't have a problem with continuing to use the forum if there are banner adverts - I accept forums need to pay for their upkeep - but it would be nice to know what's coming down the pipeline rather than surprise changes happening.

    I've looked at some sites they are involved with and annual subs are involved via paypal.

  36. #236
    Sorry to hear about your wife Eddie and hope she gets well and it's not a rouse for you to do all the chores. it's a sad day but all things have to change and wish you good luck and continued success with time factors

  37. #237
    Wow, shocker! Never saw that coming. But, you got your priorities right and I wish you and your wife all the best.
    Thanks for permitting me to join this fantastic forum Eddie, I hope and believe it will be continued in the fashion we have all become accustomed to while you were the boss.

  38. #238
    Master PreacherCain's Avatar
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    God, I turn my back for five minutes... ;-)

    Eddie, first of all: best wishes to Carol for a rapid and full recovery. And thank you for setting up and tolerantly overseeing this place - it's a distinctive community even among all the other watch sites and I have massively enjoyed the experience. One request: keep the fantastic range of watches coming!

    Philip: welcome. You're in for a fun time. Enjoy!

  39. #239

    The first thread on which our friendly representative of the shadowy group of sinister Canadian backers who I will in future be referring to as "the corporation" has been able to post in, and he's already been witness to two 'beefs' playing out in here.

    This is why things will change.

    The unique character of this forum includes the propensity for huge personal battles to erupt, with accusations and personal insults hurled backwards and forwards over several pages, sometimes for days at a time. I've been involved on the periphery of at least one, so I'm not claiming the moral high ground. I'm also not saying that's necessarily a bad thing. I like an unmoderated forum, by and large, although the bickering around here does get a bit much, and can end up descending into childishness and bullying at times (luckily, unlike some, I have no problem walking away from a thread when it reaches that point).

    What I am saying though is that people are deluding themselves if they think this place won't change at all. There will be, I've no doubt, at some point and in some form or another, a bit of a crackdown, at least to clean up the public forums, so the sponsors don't get scared off by all the death threats, accusations of child molestation and daily public nervous breakdowns (admittedly I'm being somewhat hyperbolic for effect, but you see my point).

  40. #240
    Join Date
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    Thanks for all your hard work Eddie. Best wishes to your family.

  41. #241
    Master SeanST150's Avatar
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    I'm far from a highly active member, but I do very much enjoy my time here. Thank you for creating the forum Eddie and the the very best with things at home.

    Welcome aboard Philip.

  42. #242
    Grand Master learningtofly's Avatar
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    Thanks for everything, Eddie - I didn't always agree with you but I never questioned your integrity, and I suspect we'll look back with a degree of sadness for a host of reasons. Enjoy the future, whatever it holds, and all the best to Mrs Flatts so far as her recovery is concerned.

  43. #243
    Master wildheart's Avatar
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    Cheers for everthing Eddie, have loved being part of TZ under your tutorship. Nothing suprises me in life, but this a little. I wish you all the best for the future and the good health of your lady.

    The membership at TZ helped me through a very difficult period of my life something I will always be thankful for.

    Welcome aboard Philip, you have some rather big shoes to fill, I look forward to being part of the future.

    Onward and upward

  44. #244
    Craftsman maxwellwd's Avatar
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    I am a relatively new poster here and was introduced to it by my brother who has been (and is) an active member for about 8 years on here. It's a good place to be. Good luck with what the future holds Eddie - I have bought a few bits and pieces from Timefactors and really impressed with what you offer - excited to see what new watches we could be looking at down the road. Wish your wife a speedy recovery.

    Forums need to survive and with that comes advertising, it doesn't mean the forum will go downhill by any means in my opinion. In many ways new ownership is a good thing as some of the squabbles on here from keyboard warriors are frankly ridiculous. The amount of threads I see which start off with a reasonable enough watch question that then descends spectacularly into a slanging match seems to increase by the week. I for one would like to see more threads just stay on topic to what the original questions was about.

  45. #245
    I've been a member here for over 10 years having first joined to find out more information about my Grandfather's pocket watch. Thanks for all you have done here Eddie. You have created a wonderful community.

    To Philip, welcome to the website. As a former forum owner on a PC gaming website (with 100000+ members) I know what it is like to run one of these places. For the most part this is a very friendly community which really doesn't need much work to keep running.

  46. #246
    Craftsman jeff's Avatar
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    I'm not a particularly big talker and I'm certainly not one for 'blowing smoke.' I'll confine myself, therefore, to a simple, but heartfelt THANK YOU!

    I'm sure this decision has caused you many an anxious moment.

    Nothing lasts forever. As a wise chap one wrote 'All things must pass'

    Let's give the new blokes a fair crack at the whip! (Keep the pitchforks sharp and at the ready though boys :)

    Last edited by jeff; 11th November 2015 at 11:05. Reason: Fixed typo

  47. #247
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Good luck for everything in the future Eddie and thanks for setting up and creating the close knit and friendly community we have today. This forum has been detrimental to my bank account but more importantly I've met some great people from here who have given me sound advice over the 6 years I've been a member. I wish you all the continued success for Time Factors. Thanks again.
    Last edited by MrBanks; 11th November 2015 at 11:06.

  48. #248
    Master nibby's Avatar
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    I go on holiday check in on the only watch forum that I use and this bombshell is delivered. Eddie thanks for your stewardship of the only watch forum that I participate in and I hope that I have supported you by purchasing quite a few Timefactors watches which are unique in the market. All the best for the future.

  49. #249
    Master thorpey69's Avatar
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    Eddie,thank you very much for providing a home away from home for all these years,and even when the watch interest took a back seat to other hobbies,i still regularly pop in and take a look around at the familiar "surroundings and characters" which make this site so special.I wish you and your wife a healthy and happy future, and hope her recovery becomes a rapid one. Kind regards Thorpey.

  50. #250
    Master BSB's Avatar
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    Best of luck for the future Eddie and obviously, best wishes to Mrs Platts for her full recovery. Many thanks for all you've done!

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