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Thread: Just got home and discovered watch collection has been stolen - UPDATE WITH SERIAL NO

  1. #51
    I can really imagine the shock and devastation. I was in a similar position last year where I rented out a place that had just been sold and the agent let the new buyer in to do some measurements without getting my approval. I was so shocked and furious as anything could've happened.

    I hope you get your watches back!

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Awful news, utter scumbags. Hope somehow you get the watches back, and as you say the Alaska may prove the key.
    All the best

  3. #53
    Join Date
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    Bristol, England
    Hope you get them back somehow.

  4. #54
    Master beechcustom's Avatar
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    Right here
    So sorry to hear that. Fingers crossed you recover your watches :-(

  5. #55
    Rotting luck Tris! Do you have a cleaner or something? Sounds like someone knew they were there.

  6. #56
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    That is a terrible thing to happen

    Really feel for you after this. Best of luck in trying to move forward.

  7. #57
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Buckinghamshire, UK.
    That sucks. I hope you get them back.

  8. #58
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    What a nightmare, never nice to hear of something like this.

  9. #59
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    So bloody sorry to read this Sir. :( I hate thieving scum. May they die screaming. FWIW I've set up a google alert and ebay listing for the more unique watches.

    I'd be in agreement with other folks, it does sound very targeted a robbery.

    Quote Originally Posted by CardShark View Post
    Utter, utter scum. Whether it's watches or anything else, breaking in to someone's property with the view to stealing hard earned possessions is pretty darn low.
    +1000 CS. IMH burglary is one of the worst crimes as it can have a big effect on someone's morale and feelings of safety. For many, above and beyond the financial losses it's akin to a rape of ones personal space. I watched an elderly neighbour waste away after a burglary, in the end dying by her own hand. :( While she was at her husbands funeral the house was targeted. No keyboard warrior from me, as I couldn't punch my way out of a wet paper bag, but I would happily set the noose and pull the lever on that kind of oxygen stealing scum.

  10. #60
    Master TimeOut's Avatar
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    Appalled to hear this I really am.

    Let's hope the purpetrator falls down a high flight of concrete stairs one day.

    Any CCTV that can be checked?

  11. #61
    Join Date
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    Kent England
    Really sorry to read this and bad luck not being insured. Even though it was a few years ago now my house was burgled, and even though it is devastating have personal items stolen, sentimental things and stuff you have worked hard for to treat yourself the worse thing for me and my family was the emotional stress it caused.
    Even though I had an alarm system fitted almost im!meadiately after, the feelings of suspicion and guilt took a long time to subside. I viewed everyone with suspicion. I would be out cleaning the car and eyeing everyone walking up the road as a potential burglar, my wife ,me and the kids all had trouble sleeping we were jumping at the slightest noise. Then there were the feelings of self guilt(if only we hadn't gone out when we did) and those kind of thoughts.
    I sincerly hope the op has some luck and gets his watches back and the scumbags get caught.
    As there was no sign of forced entry it must surely narrrow down the list of possible suspects, really hope you get your stuff back and the scum are caught!

  12. #62
    That's very sad news hope the scumbags get caught and the watches returned.

  13. #63
    Master TakesALickin's Avatar
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    Indianapolis, USA
    Certainly a rotten thing to have happen at Christmas. You have my sympathy. Although it may not have been an option since you rented, I have had a wall safe installed for several years now. This should serve as a wake up notice to any homeowners here who don't keep their watches in some kind of safe.

  14. #64
    Join Date
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    Worthing, England
    Gutted for you, one of my worst nightmares. Does sound very suspect in that someone must have a key, thieves are greedy and take all things of value within reach, they don't tend to stop when they've got enough as thats not a concept that they understand.

  15. #65
    Sorry to Hear, Tris.

    I can empathise with you, it's a sickening feeling. I'm just glad I didn't catch the bastards!

  16. #66
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Sorry to hear that mate, hope police catches someone. I hope some watches were saved, didn't you have a Panerai also?

  17. #67
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Sorry to hear this. Keep an eye out on ebay and other online sites. You never know you may strike lucky. I assume the watches were insured so hopefully you don't be out of pocket. But nevertheless invasion of privacy and the feeling of someone being in your space is just awful.

  18. #68
    Really sorry to hear your news. As said before it does seem very targeted. I know it's too late but it is worth checking to make sure you didn't post pictures of your watches with your location tagged into them. Easy to do. I just had to delete a truck load of my daughters pics on Instagram for this reason.

  19. #69
    I am so sorry to read this. I may have missed it previously, but please check all the second hand shops as well as stores CFEX. I know from my work that many stolen items set sold there.
    Good luck

  20. #70
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    My sympathies OP - hope you get them back.

    As others have mentioned, it's worth going around local pawn shops and letting them know of the theft

    I had a similar experience but fortunately before I had moved all my stuff in so most of my valuables were still in storage. After this experience I'd always recommend replacing the locks on rented accommodation or newly purchased property. It's worth paying for as you have no idea how many keys might be floating around.

    I'm now off to write down all my serial numbers. Like the OP I wouldn't expect thieves to hunt for boxes and papers which I rely on for that information.

  21. #71
    Master Optimum's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear this. And at Christmas too... :(

  22. #72
    Master Tim63's Avatar
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    Having just read the post I have a sick feeling in my stomach. As others have said, hope some or all your watches turn up, and soon.

  23. #73
    Master Frankie169's Avatar
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    I,m gutted for you, I think its every collectors nightmare. Keep an eye out on forums, ebay etc, especially the Omega Alaska. As you say they don't come up very often!!

  24. #74
    Join Date
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    west midlands
    Please accept my sympathy.
    I had a similar experience some years ago, though it was only one watch.

    You must understandably be devastated and for it to happen at this time of year as well.
    I do hope that you have some success in recovering your collection.

  25. #75
    Join Date
    May 2009
    you have made me think

    we should all keep photos of our watches and write down the serial numbers

    I checked my insurance I am covered at home and out of the house. but then I don't have single watches worth more than £2000.

    have the police helped?

    by the way I had a police specialist check my home for security.
    the downstairs hall entrance I put steel bars over the window all other windows have locks.
    front door has an insurance approved door which I double lock.

    he said why did I call him in I was over the top.
    Last edited by soapy; 18th December 2015 at 12:55.

  26. #76
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Horrible to read this, I very much hope they find and lock up the culprit and throw away the key.

  27. #77
    Join Date
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    Suomi, Finland.
    I'm gutted for you :(

  28. #78
    Master Lammylee's Avatar
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    Sad news! I hope they are found, as previously stated the Alaska will stick out like a sore thumb and the thieving scum probably don't realise how rare and therefore traceable it is.

  29. #79
    Craftsman lawman_nl's Avatar
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    That's terrible! My house was burgled once (and my father's twice) and although the financial loss was not that big or covered by insurance, it did not feel good leaving the house long after.

    Good to hear you still have the Rolex and the Panerai - and I really hope the thieves will get caught when one or more of the stolen items are recovered.

  30. #80
    Join Date
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    Stockton, Teesside, UK
    Very sorry to hear about this. Was anything else taken??
    If not, whilst I know it may not be the right thing to play an amateur Hercules Poirot, this sounds a bit odd - it looks like someone knew you had expensive watches and knew what they were taking - I'm wondering if you were targeted rather than suffering a random act, which may mean that it was someone you've had dealings with.

  31. #81
    Master Blueboy1's Avatar
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    So sorry to hear this and I can completely empathize. I'm really hoping you get your stuff back.

  32. #82
    Master trisdg's Avatar
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    Thank you for all the kind comments.

    It wasn't just watches that went, I also had a fair bit of cash hidden away, which also went.

    They were very careful, and very neat and tidy and to be honest I could easily have gone on for a while before realising this had happened.

    I've had different opinions from Police, forensics and the community support about motives, but the fact they also found the cash makes me think it was a burglar that just got lucky.

    I just keep telling myself that it could have been worse; I recently sold an Anonimo, which had otherwise been living with the others for the past 6 months. Plus a Speedsonic that I was going to list is being serviced via Tom, so that would have also been there. Plus I still have the two most valuable watches left, the GMT and the PAM.

    I felt OK this morning, but have slowly been getting a bit more emotional and not looking forward to going home tonight. But I'm off to a Christmas party now and going to try and forget about this with laughter and drinks with friends and family.


  33. #83
    Quote Originally Posted by soapy View Post
    you have made me think

    we should all keep photos of our watches and write down the serial numbers
    It's a good point. Even if you are insured, the insurer is going to need to see proof that you ever owned the watch before paying out.

    I take photos of all mine with either the receipt, if there is one, or my driving licence if not. It's quick and worth doing. And yes, all the serial numbers.

  34. #84
    Craftsman spaceslug's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by reggie747 View Post
    Dreadful dreadful news.

    When you get your head together, think long and hard about anybody you may have had big discussion with or a showing to in the last 6 months or so. Analyze that and have a good think.
    Wish you best....
    Good advice, it does seem very specific, almost targeted. I'm usually very selective about who I tell or show my watches to for this very reason.
    May be worth keeping an eye on local Cash Converters type shops too.

    Quote Originally Posted by trisdg View Post
    I felt OK this morning, but have slowly been getting a bit more emotional and not looking forward to going home tonight. But I'm off to a Christmas party now and going to try and forget about this with laughter and drinks with friends and family.

    It's bound to shake anyone up but a good strategy to get over it with people who matter.

    My heart goes out to you and I hope at least some of the watches can be recovered.

  35. #85
    Quote Originally Posted by spaceslug View Post
    Good advice, it does seem very specific, almost targeted.
    The lack of forced entry is also a puzzler. Burglars don't pick locks—why should they, the only point of picking a lock is to open it without damaging it. Far quicker and easier to just shoulder the door. If the lock isn't damaged, and the design of the door doesn't make it trivial to slip the night-latch with a flexible strip, it seems likely they had a key.

    The fact that the boxes were taken too suggests that the thief knew what they were looking for. Most people don't realise the box adds any value to the watch.

    In fact, most people don't really know that watches are valuable at all. Yes, maybe a Rolex, if you inspect it that closely, but casual burglars tend to go straight for the electronics: TV, hi-fi, laptops, phones. They're easy to carry, easy to sell.

    So the point made earlier is a good one: who knew you had those watches, and who has seen them? Has anyone been to the house recently? Have you posted any photos of them to social media, or any photos of the house where the watches were in view?

  36. #86
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    You mentioned that the house had been sold recently. Had there been any viewings prior to the sale?

  37. #87
    Master IAmATeaf's Avatar
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    Gutted for you, it's not only the theft but the intrusion into your home that also causes upset.

  38. #88
    Join Date
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    ergh gutting I feel sick thinking about it.

    checking my house insurance now as i have been a moron and not had one year

  39. #89
    Craftsman Dan88's Avatar
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    In fact, most people don't really know that watches are valuable at all. Yes, maybe a Rolex, if you inspect it that closely, but casual burglars tend to go straight for the electronics: TV, hi-fi, laptops, phones. They're easy to carry, easy to sell.

    Unfortunately, I think most burglar scum would know watches are worth a fair amount.

    We had a Halloween party this year. I came into a room to find my stepson proudly telling his mates that his dad collects expensive watches. I pulled the poor lad to one side and told him not to tell anyone. Last Xmas, one of my fitters got burgled while he was out. For some strange reason, he suspected his neighbour, but convinced himself it couldn't be him. A very specific break in, they knew exactly what to go for. Anyway, after a break up, the neighbours partner admitted it was him that broke in. The whimp the called the police to protect him from my fitter!!

    I don't want to cause you any paranoia. It is more than likely just a very lucky scummy gimp who doesn't mind robbing off hard working people. But when you settle down, just think if you recently mentioned watches to anyone new.

    Very sorry to hear about your terrible misfortune. Hope your Christmas and new year is far better.

  40. #90
    Join Date
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    Fingers crossed you get them all back. Cash Convertors, Gumtree, Ebay.

  41. #91
    Join Date
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    Sorry to hear this good luck with recovering them.

  42. #92
    Join Date
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    In the Land of Mystic Stones and Druids
    Very sorry to hear of your misfortune.

    I would, without delay get your locks changed. If someone does have a key, then you are vulnerable. Also, your burglar now knows they layout of your place, and your hiding places.

    Once you've been a burglary victim, you are more likely to become a repeat victim, so you may want to speak to your landlord or managing agent about improving your home security.

    I hope there is a forensic yield from the scene examination.

  43. #93
    Gutted mate !

    Your previous commenter is correct, statistically you are now more likely to be burgled again. Id be on to the issuers to protect your remaining valuables.

    Fingers crossed you find the missing items before its to late.

  44. #94
    Join Date
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    New locking should be installed as well... We don't even know how many got a copy of that key...

  45. #95
    Master Wexford's Avatar
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    Dreadfully sorry to hear this news. Fingers crossed that you get some luck

  46. #96
    Quote Originally Posted by natosteve View Post
    Your previous commenter is correct, statistically you are now more likely to be burgled again.
    That's not quite how it works: being burgled doesn't make you more likely to be burgled again, any more than crashing your car makes you more likely to crash again. Correlation is not causation.

    However, the things that made you vulnerable to burglary the first time still exist (for example, you live near a burglar). And no doubt, being a sensible chap, you will be taking all possible steps to mitigate them; so I suggest you're now less likely to be burgled, stats notwithstanding.

  47. #97
    Craftsman Layin_Cable's Avatar
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    Just a thought but many members on this forum know you have nice watches, presumably you've also given your address out when purchasing something from SC?

    I'm not suggesting anyone here would do such a thing but if it was targeted then they would have had to get your details from somewhere.

    This is why I only ever give my work address out if I make a purchase.

  48. #98
    Master DeepThought's Avatar
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    Hope you get some kara

    Will keep the eyeballs opens

  49. #99
    Sorry to hear about your predicament, was just thinking do you have the serial numbers noted so you would be able to put a list of them on here. I guess the obvious place for these to turn up would be ebay. Re the Precista PRS 50b Eddie only made 200 do you know the number of your watch? If it was me I would get all the numbers on this thread asap. Good luck with finding them all.

  50. #100
    Quote Originally Posted by bitfield View Post
    That's not quite how it works: being burgled doesn't make you more likely to be burgled again, any more than crashing your car makes you more likely to crash again. Correlation is not causation.

    However, the things that made you vulnerable to burglary the first time still exist (for example, you live near a burglar). And no doubt, being a sensible chap, you will be taking all possible steps to mitigate them; so I suggest you're now less likely to be burgled, stats notwithstanding.
    You're wrong!

    I was speaking from a statistical standpoint. And FYI the British Crime Survey indicates that most crimes (60-80%) are recorded by repeat victims. Burglars are known to be opportunistic recidivists. The fact is, there is a higher chance for the same burglar who committed the crime to do a repeat burglary, in the same house. It's said that one out of four burglary victims have their homes targeted again. This isn't CAUSATION as you eloquently argue but there is a CORRELATION between being burgled and the likely hood of being second time!

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