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Thread: Tim Peake is home!

  1. #1
    Grand Master Velorum's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Tim Peake is home!

    In case this has passed you by

    Tim left the ISS about an hour ago - he's due to land just after 10am

    Hope all goes well

    Live feed
    Last edited by Velorum; 18th June 2016 at 10:40.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Grand Master Velorum's Avatar
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    Apr 2013

    Hope a few of you managed to watch the landing live

  4. #4
    Master jimp's Avatar
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    Sorry to be negative, im 53 and as a child and teenager i was addicted to the moon landings and space flight in general.
    i had posters, models and lots of books on the subject, but call me old and pessimistic (or a but what after all these years and billions spent on it all what have we gained form all of this?
    Some of our deepest oceans have not yet been explored, im sure there are a few small advances we he gained from it all, but what worth while?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by jimp View Post
    Sorry to be negative, im 53 and as a child and teenager i was addicted to the moon landings and space flight in general.
    i had posters, models and lots of books on the subject, but call me old and pessimistic (or a but what after all these years and billions spent on it all what have we gained form all of this?
    Some of our deepest oceans have not yet been explored, im sure there are a few small advances we he gained from it all, but what worth while?
    Lung tests, effects of spinal stretching in zero g and they way it returns back to normal which will help them with their understanding of aging and spinal issues and I'm sure many more to mention.

  6. #6
    Grand Master Velorum's Avatar
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    Yes - a valid viewpoint

    Dont agree though.

    Im 58 and have managed to avoid becoming as negative.

    A significant amount of the work being done on the ISS is linked to the forthcoming Mars missions and that is progress.

    I subscribe to the view (Hawkins et al) that the long term survival of the human race could well be linked to off world colonisation.

    Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

  7. #7
    I find the whole thing a bit embarrassing - so much for us being a major world player, how many Americans, Russians and other nationalities have been into space on similar missions? We send a ginger bloke into a space courtesy of other nations, and get all excited about a Brit in space nearly 50 years after the moon landings? We're mot leading we're following - half a century later 😞 - ps not his fault, sure he's a nice chap!

    Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimp View Post
    what have we gained form all of this?
    As with a lot of cutting edge technology, it's the fact it trickles down the chain that makes the biggest differences.

    Must admit, didn't know the camera phone one.

  9. #9
    Love space. Love spending money on it. If I had something valuable enough to give up to do a few months on the ISS I'd sell it in a heartbeat.

    Tim is a bit boring though, isn't he?

    The traits required to be an astronaut don't make for good pub mates.

    Hey Tim. Fancy a beer?
    Sure, if your having one. That would be nice. Thanks.
    What do you drink?
    Anything. You choose. Thanks.
    Sounds great. Thanks.
    What beer do you like?
    Oh, any is fine. Thanks.

    *35 minutes of relentlessly positive noncontroversial conversation later*

    Fancy another?
    No thanks, I've still got half of this one, then I'm off to bed. Thanks.

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