Quote Originally Posted by Lovewatches108 View Post
Personally, the only person I can really trust on this topic, in these forums is Haywood Milton. He's the only one who seems to have the inside track, and even he gets it wrong sometimes...

Mr Milton - any update on this topic? What do your sources tell you about the next price hike?
You certainly over-estimate my ability, but thanks for your confidence! All of us in the trade rely on snatched feedback from comments with Rolex employees, ADs etc. Just like you we have to make our own minds up as to which prove to be the more reliable sources.

I consider it as a given that Rolex UK prices HAVE to increase imminently and that a rise of at least 10% is to be expected.

Looking back over the last ten years, the first of the month has always been the chosen date. There seems no further reason to delay except perhaps the August Bank Holiday --- let us not forget that there is a chap at Rolex UK who at a couple of days' notice has to drill through the price list and work out the new RRPs. It is rarely if ever a straightforward "x% across the range" and the various metal / gem components alone are usually a consideration that differentiates the uplift on different models.

Like many, I expected 1st August to be the date and with each month I think it simply becomes more likely. My money would be on 1st September, but if it were not then the odds just increase massively for 1st October! The rise will come soon.

"Haywood would say that, it's in his interest as a dealer" will cry the ignorant. It can be proven that this is not so; from mid-2012 until the EU vote I had consistently argued that there was no case for an increase, nor was there one.

When it comes, of course, it will be good news for me.
